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Petite Computer 3DS Empty Petite Computer 3DS

August 21st 2013, 10:02 pm
I'm definitely more interested in this application now, since it's coming to the 3DS eShop. The application, sprite work and everything else will be in the correct resolution for programming on the 3DS. I'm hoping the file size limit for programs will be greatly increased in this version, to prevent long strings of QR codes. I'm also hoping this version will possess enhanced performance over the DSiWare version. I've actually been thinking about going to school for coding, but I'd like to see if it clicks with my brain first. If anyone from WiiWareWave would like try to create a game together, I'd be willing to give it a shot. Or maybe just help each other code our own game's together, that would be cool too. Very Happy

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82
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Petite Computer 3DS Empty Re: Petite Computer 3DS

August 22nd 2013, 7:36 am
I may get this, but I skipped the original because I didn't know the BASICS

I feel unaccomplished and need to give my heart out. Where’s my Kokoro no Tomo? Sad I love you

Petite Computer 3DS Empty Re: Petite Computer 3DS

August 23rd 2013, 12:57 pm
I don't know anything about videogame coding either. But if you're to ever accomplish anything, you have to begin somewhere.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Petite Computer 3DS Empty Re: Petite Computer 3DS

August 24th 2013, 2:03 am
I've been programming in BASIC for many years now; I first heard about Petite Computer on the 3DS about a month ago and if I owned a 3DS I'd definitely get it. Some people may complain that Petite Computer is a bit simplistic but I've used BASIC on a Casio Calculator before and that was quite simple but a whole lot of fun.
Aqua Cherry Blossom
Aqua Cherry Blossom
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Petite Computer 3DS Empty Re: Petite Computer 3DS

August 24th 2013, 11:01 am
Is there any way to send your created games to friends?

Petite Computer 3DS 1210

Petite Computer 3DS D9qgr310

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Petite Computer 3DS Empty Re: Petite Computer 3DS

August 24th 2013, 3:25 pm
Yes, through QR codes.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Petite Computer 3DS Empty Re: Petite Computer 3DS

August 26th 2013, 12:20 pm
visicalc, could you please post some of the very basics of BASIC coding, so we can use it as reference material? I would really appreciate the insight.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Petite Computer 3DS Empty Re: Petite Computer 3DS

August 27th 2013, 1:29 pm
Well the best place to start is by looking at the Wikipedia article on the BASIC Programming Language here. I should warn you that although most BASIC dialects share a lot of common commands, the commands they use for graphics, sound and music all differ.

You could also try downloading the Basic4GL language for your PC from here, I'm a moderator on the Basic4GL forum so if you encounter any problems I should be able to answer them.

I've also got a Wikispace here, where amongst other things you can find a lot of programs that I've written over the years.

Petite Computer 3DS Empty Re: Petite Computer 3DS

August 27th 2013, 7:20 pm
Thanks visicalc. I'll be sure to contact you on the forums, if I run into any complications.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82
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