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Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Empty Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013"

December 30th 2012, 9:34 pm
What are your resolution's for the new year? Some of mine are:

1) Hopefully, I'll find some type of decent employment by the year's end.

2) Try to decide upon my future education, and enroll myself by the year's end.

3) Save up for reliable transportation, so I can visit my son more easily and regularly.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Empty Re: Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013"

December 30th 2012, 10:43 pm
Usually I dont make resolutions cause I never keep them.
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Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Empty Re: Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013"

December 30th 2012, 10:54 pm
If it was a New Years wish I'd wish not to look exactly the same as my twin sister because it's embarassing to be confused for a girl lol!

Well that won't happen so I guess that I have no resolution Very Happy

"If you want to understand, words are never a problem."
Rena Lanford, Star Ocean: The Second Story

Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Star_o10

Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Empty Re: Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013"

December 31st 2012, 9:48 am
To get through to the New World Saga of One Piece.

To buy less games and play more of what I already have.

To actually finish some anime this year, instead of watching a few episodes then going back to One Piece.

To draw way more than I did this year.

And To Get a Job.

I may have some contradictions and skewed priorities in this list...

Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Empty Re: Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013"

December 31st 2012, 10:44 am
Mine is to enjoy life every day to the fullest with my sweathearts, Dennis (25), Kimberly (-0, twin sister of Kyara, tbb) & Kyara (-0, twin sister of Kimberly, tbb)... Yh, I'm pregnant, due to be end of March... XD

I love to listen to Efteling radio and Anime radio...

Anime radio, well, today I posted a link on that, but The Efteling Radio is so sweet & special, you should really get into it!

Efteling is a Fairy Tale Theme Park in the South of The Netherlands. It's that feeling you never experienced in your intire lifes! Get your experience and enjoy it to the fullest! You may need a couple of days, though, cuz it's acres upon acres of tears & joys! I just love it! I wish to go back one day, before I remigrate to Malibu one day, together with our newborn girls! ... Main link: http://www.efteling.co.uk/?l=14645

For the Efteling radio, pls use: http://www.efteling.com/include/flash/radio/eftRadioPlayer.html

Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Empty Re: Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013"

December 31st 2012, 1:13 pm
Congratulations Samantha! And I'm sure Malibu misses you. Smile

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Empty Re: Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013"

December 31st 2012, 3:15 pm
I want to buy a Wii U next year! victory

Lets a go!

Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Pbucket

Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Empty Re: Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013"

December 31st 2012, 4:06 pm
i want to really focus on my comic book. Gamerace has been helping me out. I also want to focus on my website more.

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Happy New Year's Resolution's "2013" Captaincanucksigcopy
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