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Square Enix announce 300,000 active subscribers in Japan for Dragon Quest X.

Square Enix: 300,000 Dragon Quest X Subscribers In Japan Dragon-quest-x-confirmed-for-wii-wii-u

Dragon Quest X released on August 2nd for Japan, and managed to sell roughly 550,000 copies. Players pay 1,000 yen (13 US dollars) a month.

For comparison sake, Final Fantasy XI peaked at about 600,000 subscribers.

Source: Click here

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.
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Holy sh!#! That means Square Enix will rake in almost $4 million dollars a month, from the Japanese subscription fees alone.
September 27th 2012, 5:56 pmDigiDestined
Let's just hope that this doesn't stay a Japanese exclusive game for much longer.
This isn't for me, sadly. When I can't even afford to purchase a WiiU, paying $160 a year for this subscription is just not an option.
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