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Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore?

Retro Gamer
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Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Empty Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore?

April 22nd 2012, 5:44 pm
Isn't he the co-owner?
I liked reading his posts and seeing his handsome avatar of himself lol Very Happy
Seriously though why is he never around?

Pit: Why do we have to fight?
Dark Pit: I dunno because I don't like you.
Link: Now Now don't be that way clones can get along just ask Dark Link!
Dark Link: No I hate you too $#!%&$!
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Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Empty Re: Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore?

April 22nd 2012, 6:11 pm
I don't know but I think he is a great part of the community when he does post on the forums Very Happy

"If you want to understand, words are never a problem."
Rena Lanford, Star Ocean: The Second Story

Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Star_o10

Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Empty Re: Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore?

April 24th 2012, 2:13 pm
He visits, but I never see him say anything on the forums, blog comments, or chatbox. busy

Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Ulquio10
Retro Gamer
Retro Gamer

Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Empty Re: Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore?

April 24th 2012, 8:45 pm
He must be extremely busy. Surprised

Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Empty Re: Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore?

April 24th 2012, 8:49 pm
I do stumble upon him here every now and then. He hasn't completely disappeared...yet. :s

Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? 2q1w11s

Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Empty Re: Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore?

April 24th 2012, 9:54 pm
I miss seeing Sneakers posts. Sad
There's something scholarly about the way he posts. Smile

Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Empty Re: Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore?

April 24th 2012, 10:00 pm
indeed i miss sneaker too. That guy is never afriad to speak his mind and he is usually speaks the truth unbiased. A smart guy.

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Captaincanucksigcopy

Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Empty Re: Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore?

May 26th 2012, 4:09 pm
It's good to read that I'm being missed (thanks for the compliments Wink). As many know, I'm just busy moving and getting settled in my own place, working full time and paying some attention on my own site. That leaves little time to play games and watch movies (my hobbies). Let alone this forum.

So I don't have much time left to actively look around the board or post messages. Since I was so much behind with the three download board I just stopped posting there and since none of the other crewmembers took it over, I see no point in continuing it. It is also no secret what I think about this site and what's holding it back. But due to financial reasons it can't really be solved. So that could be pretty frustrating and demotivating as well.

So I only dropped by from time till time though (like Ulqiorathegreat and Yoshi mentioned). But in fact I feel more like a regular member then a crew member. The only reason I haven't given up my crew status yet is that maybe, just maybe I will have more time in the future and post some content.

Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Empty Re: Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore?

May 27th 2012, 6:53 pm
thanks for the explanation.

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Why doesn't Sneaker post anything anymore? Captaincanucksigcopy
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