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Xenoblade must be popular

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Xenoblade must be popular Empty Xenoblade must be popular

April 7th 2012, 7:12 pm
Is every American WiiWareWave member busy playing Xenoblade Chronicles at this moment lol. Razz
Nobody is posting or even logging in, but there were 105 visitors online at one point earlier today.

Xenoblade must be popular 1210

Xenoblade must be popular D9qgr310

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Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 8th 2012, 3:36 am
Hahaha! They must be Eureka. I guess everyone else began playing Xenoblade Chronicles, except for me. Razz

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 8th 2012, 11:52 am
It would seem so Very Happy

Lets a go!

Xenoblade must be popular Pbucket
Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 8th 2012, 1:19 pm
I certainly hope the game was a success sale wise because Xenoblade is a real gem. Sadly though, I will be skipping out on all the action.

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.

Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 8th 2012, 3:24 pm
Yeah, there's been less activity lately. I haven't actually got my copy yet, I've simply been busy.

Xenoblade must be popular 2q1w11s

Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 8th 2012, 5:04 pm
Well, I really hope you can still find a copy at a GameStop somewhere Yoshi. I believe I read at NintendoLife, Xenoblade Chronicles is already listed as being on back-order at Nintendo Direct. It also seems to be a very popular JRPG by all means, and currently it's only been produced in limited quantities. I guess you could actually consider it somewhat of a cult JRPG. Razz

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82
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Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 8th 2012, 5:23 pm
@WiiAboutU Gamestop is nearly out of stock so if you're going to get Xenoblade you have got to hurry Exclamation
By the way the game is sold out everywhere except California, New York, and Ohio Surprised

"If you want to understand, words are never a problem."
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Xenoblade must be popular Star_o10

Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 8th 2012, 5:33 pm
Oh, don't worry about me Staroceancrazy. I already have a copy w/GameStop exclusive artbook. Damn! I live in Ohio. Too bad I can't afford a second copy to keep unopened as a collector's item. Razz

Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 9th 2012, 11:54 am
The artbook is selling for $50.00 right now on Amazon. I'm seriously thinking about listing mine soon. Who cares about saving $5.00 off the cost of a Classic Controller Pro, when you can save $50.00/full price by selling your artbook on Amazon? Razz

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 9th 2012, 11:59 am
Thanks to Sailormoongal from the Chatbox, I finally decided to purchase Xenoblade from Gamestop and I got it today.

And... I haven't play it yet Razz

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Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 9th 2012, 12:16 pm
I can't remember the last time I had so much fun playing a JRPG Surprised The last JRPG I really enjoyed was Rogue Galaxy for the PS2 back in 2007 Very Happy

"If you want to understand, words are never a problem."
Rena Lanford, Star Ocean: The Second Story

Xenoblade must be popular Star_o10

Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 9th 2012, 1:57 pm
I'm buying this game Wednesday and had a couple questions~
-Are there motion controls? (hopefully not)
-How big is your party in the beginning (no spoilers please)?

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Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 9th 2012, 5:29 pm
There are no motion controls used at any point in Xenoblade and your party is 3 during the prologue and 2 immediately afterwards the maximum you can have is 7 if you have a full party plus a guest battle member |D

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Xenoblade must be popular 53c5df15-b149-4f0c-b2bb-1fd33703fe9f_zps243b0592

Xenoblade must be popular Empty Re: Xenoblade must be popular

April 10th 2012, 10:12 am
Thanks, I live in NY so hopefully my Gamestop will still have a copy tomorrow!

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