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RUMOR: More developers bringing more unannounced Wii U games ? + more ! Nintendo-WiiU-2012

But then again... this might sound fake as well...

A source claims that a concept artist working with a developer studio that's associated with Electronic Arts, revealed that a new Dead Space game is being worked on the Wii U as well as other consoles courtesy of the Visceral games.

And another game that EA is going to bring is surprisingly, Overstrike, a game that's being developed by Insomiac games, most known for their Resistance and Ratchet & Clank games that are exclusive to Sony's Playstation, it is being said that now Insomiac games have recieved the Wii U development kits and they are bringing Overstrike to the Wii U.

And lastly, Crytek, who is a partner with Electronic Arts, is working with EA for them to publish the long awaited TimeSplitters 4 for the Wii U, and that it will be announced this year at E3.

Other relevant information is that there is over 150-200 Wii U games currently in development and that Nintendo is planning to announce numerous partnerships and collaborations regarding the Wii U at this year's E3.

To be honest, sounds too good to be true... but who knows ? this MIGHT come true somewhat seeing how EA has said that they are working hard with Nintendo in terms of partnership back in Nintendo's E3 2011 press conference.

Source: game0n.net

If you only have these two choices, which one will you choose ? to have a game with no story ? or to have a game with the most ridiculous, boring, cliché-filled and horrible story ever ?
Do games need to be epic ?... or fun ?...
Wii #: 0018 2269 1524 9019 (codename Jnes)
Also on PSN ! PSN: jnesDX
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that's awesome. hope the wii-u gets more RPGs!
Wow Just WOW. Insomniac, Crytek Thats amazing. Im really loking forward to this console.
The question is not whether the WiiU will be good or not but rather will it be affordable enough to sell enough units because if this generation is any example the most expensive console will trail significantly behind the competition D:
I think these rumors are true but it just means that Wii could be looking at the most expensive game console in history D:
I don't think Nintendo would have the audacity to make it that pricey after its cheap past successes and the expensive 3DS, but I can only hope they don't. Looking at the controller and hearing about the system's power, though, it's worrisome..
I think Nintendo is trying too hard to make a multimedia system that does everything and it will likely backfire since almost nobody will buy a $2000< home console D|
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