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Who Killed Rare?

Aqua Cherry Blossom
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Who Killed Rare? Empty Who Killed Rare?

February 9th 2012, 2:27 pm
EuroGamer's article goes in depth on speculating as to who was responsible for killing Rare. Love this quote:

"Microsoft and Rare was a bad marriage from the beginning. The groom was rich. The bride was beautiful. But they wanted to make different games and they wanted to make them in different ways."

I for one am sad to see the same studio that made awesome games like Killer Instinct, Golden Eye 007, Donkey Kong Country, and few other games, wither into nothing.

And yes I am one of the few people who did enjoy Star Fox Adventures.
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Who Killed Rare? Empty Re: Who Killed Rare?

February 9th 2012, 2:34 pm
Microsoft killed Rare, because they had no interest in keeping the company going after they swiped them from Nintendo. Razz

Who Killed Rare? Rukiafan7

Who Killed Rare? 19654

Who Killed Rare? 87457210

Who Killed Rare? Bleach10

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Aqua Cherry Blossom
Aqua Cherry Blossom
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Who Killed Rare? Empty Re: Who Killed Rare?

February 9th 2012, 2:42 pm
Rukiafan wrote:Microsoft killed Rare, because they had no interest in keeping the company going after they swiped them from Nintendo. Razz
This lol.

Who Killed Rare? 1210

Who Killed Rare? D9qgr310

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Who Killed Rare? Empty Re: Who Killed Rare?

February 9th 2012, 4:46 pm
Killed Rare? The company is no longer "alive"? I'm probably alone in saying this, but I greatly enjoyed Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and avatars aren't too bad.

Who Killed Rare? 2q1w11s

Who Killed Rare? Empty Re: Who Killed Rare?

February 9th 2012, 4:48 pm
I think they died when they released Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts Laughing

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Biorn the Viking

Who Killed Rare? Empty Re: Who Killed Rare?

April 2nd 2012, 3:37 am
Stinkerbri wrote:Microsoft killed Rare, because they had no interest in keeping the company going after they swiped them from Nintendo. Razz

Sums it up nicely.

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.

Who Killed Rare? Empty Re: Who Killed Rare?

April 2nd 2012, 10:07 am
No one killed Rare besides Rare. The quality in its products was slowly coming to a halt. After Perfect Dark (2000), the company wasn't capable of continuing its phenomenal quality streak. They even had to revive a cancelled game on the N64, throw on the Star Fox name and call it a game. It's not a bad game but it's no Banjo.

Nintendo knew where Rare was heading for them and that was nowhere. So they sold Rare to Microsoft for the best of things.

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Who Killed Rare? Empty Re: Who Killed Rare?

April 2nd 2012, 4:39 pm
We need more topics like this. To encourage disscussions on the forums. I really like this one.

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Who Killed Rare? Captaincanucksigcopy
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