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A World Without Nintendo Empty A World Without Nintendo

December 23rd 2011, 7:37 pm
What would life on Earth be like without Nintendo? Do you think the video game industry would be the same?
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A World Without Nintendo Empty Re: A World Without Nintendo

January 4th 2012, 4:40 pm
The world would crumble and fall unto darkness. Laughing

A World Without Nintendo Rukiafan7

A World Without Nintendo 19654

A World Without Nintendo Rukiafan7

A World Without Nintendo 87457210

A World Without Nintendo Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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A World Without Nintendo Empty Re: A World Without Nintendo

January 4th 2012, 5:36 pm
We would have nothing to play but First Person Shooters.

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


A World Without Nintendo Captaincanucksigcopy

A World Without Nintendo Empty Re: A World Without Nintendo

January 4th 2012, 5:45 pm
Aussiegamer wrote:What would life on Earth be like without Nintendo? Do you think the video game industry would be the same?
Absolutely not! How on earth could it be?

A World Without Nintendo Empty Re: A World Without Nintendo

January 31st 2012, 1:14 am
It's hard to speculate on things like this because who's to say that if Nintendo didn't do something, someone else wouldn't have? For example, Nintendo brought the market back from the 80s video game crash, but perhaps a company like Sega would have stepping into place.

There's also the fact that Nintendo essentially brought Sony into the gaming world by seeking the company's aid and then backpedaling, triggering Sony to use the SNES CD components as a new console (the PlayStation One). Who's to say Sony might have just one day seen the gaming world as a place ripe for business? There's a lot of speculation and assumptions involved with this sort of thing.

Anyway, I do know my avatar and name combination wouldn't exist under any circumstance without Nintendo. Razz

A World Without Nintendo 2q1w11s
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