- KingreX32AdminSuper Coinage!This helpful member has earned 25,000 WiiWareWave Coins!
Cheak Out my New Cellphone
October 3rd 2011, 10:14 am
My last cellphone stopped working so I sent it in for repair. Instead of Fixing the phone they just gave me new one which is Infinatly better than my last phone.
Re: Cheak Out my New Cellphone
October 4th 2011, 8:21 pm
That's a really nice phone but I hate phones, especially all of these new smart phones. I once had a cell phone a long time ago and the only thing it did was make phone calls. I never used the damn thing so I got rid of it, because like I said I hate phones. (<:
Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82
- KingreX32AdminSuper Coinage!This helpful member has earned 25,000 WiiWareWave Coins!
Re: Cheak Out my New Cellphone
October 4th 2011, 9:22 pm
Lol same thing my grandfather says. I will admit though the touchscreen is kinda annoying
Re: Cheak Out my New Cellphone
October 5th 2011, 2:51 am
Damn! Am I really that old? Although, I still get carded when purchasing cigarettes. lol
- KingreX32AdminSuper Coinage!This helpful member has earned 25,000 WiiWareWave Coins!
Re: Cheak Out my New Cellphone
October 5th 2011, 10:08 am
LOL. Lucky you. I always looked older than I am
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