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Warlock in love
Warlock in love

Is the Super Mario Bros. movie any good? Empty Is the Super Mario Bros. movie any good?

May 2nd 2011, 3:22 am
I've never watched it because it sounds like a cheesy D-List movie Surprised

I want to watch it if it's good,but I just feel it's a waste of time to watch a sucky movie Razz

Learning to speak dutch free and easy,for learning to read dutch there's the master card and alot of books Razz

Is the Super Mario Bros. movie any good? Empty Re: Is the Super Mario Bros. movie any good?

May 2nd 2011, 3:33 am
I haven't seen it either but from all I've read (and the 3,8 average on imdb) it's pretty bad.

This needs to pass for a goomba.
Is the Super Mario Bros. movie any good? Goomba
Warlock in love
Warlock in love

Is the Super Mario Bros. movie any good? Empty That's a goomba!

May 2nd 2011, 3:40 am
OMG! that goomba looks ridiculous lol!

Yeah I'll pass on watching it Cool

Learning to speak dutch free and easy,for learning to read dutch there's the master card and alot of books Razz
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