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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

November 26th 2013, 5:01 pm
As many of you know, I am a fan of Dungeons & Dragons, a fantastic roleplaying game set in a world of medieval fantasy. One of my favourite roles in a D&D session is that of the Dungeon Master, an important role to be sure. The DM acts as both a referee and the non-player characters. In addition, it is the DM's job to create exciting adventures for the players and their characters, and many DMs create their own custom settings for the edition of the game which they like best. I have taken it one step further, devising a whole multiverse of different worlds using a variety of different D&D game systems, and each one is completely different from the others, from the scorching sands and frigid wastes of Sunayuki, to the vast oceans of Thalasera, to the fan-favourite, sci-fi-infused fantasy realm of Junihoshi. Most editions of the game have two or three worlds associated with them, offering a good amount of variety in terms of setting (Thalasera, Wyrmaria and Sunayuki all use D&D v3.5, for example). A short description of each setting can be viewed below:

Outer Ring

In Dracromia, humanity is not the dominant race. Amongst the usual assortment of dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings and others, it is a race of humanoid dragons known as drachomi who occupy much of the world. Dracromia is a world in a perpetual cold war, with the fifteen Drachomus Empires always at odds with one another. Cultural distinctions and very different appearances between factions create borders between them, and the other races keep out of the conflict completely. Despite the scuffles, many humans choose to dwell in the empires, though they tend to be more accepting of the other factions. Dracromia has a parallel twin known as Metaligon, and its Drachomus Nations exist in relative peace with each other. Unlike the multicoloured Cromian drachomi, Metalin drachomi have metallic scales. The worlds have numerous distinctions; the gnomes of Dracromia, for example, tend to have brightly-coloured hair and eyes and dwell in the elven region of Wievalia; whereas their parallel kin in Metaligon have more earthy colours and live in the dwarven land of Tundarus.
Edition: D&D 4th Edition
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Parallel worlds; contrasts; alternate dominant race
Aura: Red

In Periquos, the past and future have overlapped the present. Centuries ago, an unusual and unexpected group of ancient creatures arrived mysteriously in the modern era: dinosaurs! Their presence changed the very nature of society, causing the races of the world to revere them as people of other worlds revere Celestial Beings. Other aspects of ages long passed and yet to arrive have appeared in the world as well, with the ancient trogs and futuristic novans arriving as glimpses into humanity's past and future.
Edition: D&D 5th Edition
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Time; history
Aura: Orange

In Astrumium, magic-infused artefacts are quite common, sometimes moreso than mundane equipment. Stellar alloy, a mystical metal with mostly-untapped properties, is used in many parts of the world in tools, armour and other things. Its use is so widespread, in fact, that the entire world has taken on its name. Stellar alloy is said to have its origins from beyond the stars, with many legends about how it came to exist on Astrumium; scholars have debated for years about its arrival in the world, but nobody has yet reached a definite decision.
Edition: D&D Essentials
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Artefacts; mainstream magic items
Aura: Yellow

Thalasera is a world dominated by ocean, its five primary races having adapted to their aquatic realm in three different ways. Eons ago, the world had more landmasses which breached the surface of the sea; nowadays, only islands can be counted as land. The traditional races dwell in immense domes on the ocean floor, which are specially created to emulate their original homes. Their brethren have adapted and evolved to suit their chosen locales: aquatic elves, ocean halflings and the mysterious merborn live in beautiful underwater vistas; while the coastal dwarves, tropical gnomes and seafaring isleborn live on the many islands above the waves.
Edition: D&D v3.5
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Ocean; seafaring adventures
Aura: Lime

The people of Zokugemina are beset on every side by dangerous threats. The Forces of Monsterkind have become so great that they now target the Races of Harmony, with each monster faction now targeting a different race. Humans, one of the most populous of the world’s cultures, are seen as one of the greatest threats to the Forces of Monsterkind, leading to each individual having a different foe. Each of the Races of Harmony has developed tactics specifically for dealing with their personal enemy, but their foes are not so easy to take down.
Edition: D&D 4th Edition
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Monsters; personal growth
Aura: Green

On Terra, nothing is what it seems. A fantastic world of fantasy exists in-sync with the normalcy of everyday life. Most people don't see this mysterious other realm, but those that do are treated to a dual existence. Any human might be able to transition between planes, adventuring with dwarves and elves in places not otherwise imaginable, before returning to the real world to finish their grocery shopping. Those that have the gift of Sightshifting know the world as Terra Neos, as the entire world seems new to them. But one question remains: which realm is more real?
Edition: D&D 5th Edition
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Modern-day; surrealism
Aura: Aqua

Junihoshi is a realm which has elements of both medieval and modern-day. The concept of star patterns is very important to the inhabitants of the world, with each person born under, and attributed to, one of twelve major constellations: The Dragon, The Barbarian, The Bard, The Priest, The Druid, The Knight, The Shugenja, The Paladin, The Hunter, The Thief, The Sorcerer and The Mage. Oracles are able to determine much about a particular individual by channelling their mind through that person's star pattern, which proves that everybody is connected to the stars. The technological level of the world has advanced with the relatively-recent arrival of a mysterious alien race. These people, who call themselves the zenoxans, have technology unlike any found on Junihoshi, though they stick to a strict code-of-conduct not to advance the native Junihoshians too quickly.
Edition: D&D Essentials
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Aliens; astrology; modern-day
Aura: Cyan

Sunayuki is a world split into two environmental extremes: a vast ocean of sand ravaged by sandstorms and harsh sunlight; and a bleak wasteland of ice wracked by blizzards and hailstorms. All of the world's races exist on "islands" scattered across the wastes, and travelling between them on foot is near impossible for most, leaving individuals to resort to travelling via huge ships specially-built for crossing the scorching sands and frigid ice-plains. Each island is big enough to support an entire ecosystem, complete with its own food chain; one island's ecosystem may be completely inverted on another's, or even entirely unique.
Edition: D&D v3.5
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Desert; ice
Aura: Azure

The Pentorbix System is a coalition of five planets orbiting a star, with each of the five main worlds home to a different species: the Greatkin of Pentorbix I; the elv of Pentorbix II; the humans of Pentorbix III; the gnoms of Pentorbix IV; and the dwarv of Pentorbix V. Each world has at least one moon, with the moons of two worlds each home to other races: the lumidelv and shadelv originated on the two moons of Pentorbix II, whereas a multitude of elfborn dwell on Luna, the first moon of Pentorbix III. Five planetoids are home to other species who despise the Coalition, declaring themselves sworn enemies: the orcs of Orca, the gnolls of Nols, the goblins of Goba, the kobolds of Kobu and the minotaurs of Mino. They have a loose affiliation of their own, though some orcs have defected to the Coalition, resulting in the spawning of the orcborn, who live on Getsuei, the second moon of Pentorbix III.
Edition: D&D 4th Edition
Main theme: Science fantasy
Sub-themes: Space travel; teamwork
Aura: Blue

Incognes is a world in which technology has progressed differently from the norm, with everything running on renewable, clean energy: water steam. Almost everything is steam-powered, from vehicles to heavy machinery, and technology is very much the backbone of the world's economy. New research is conducted all the time, and breakthroughs in science occur frequently; one scientist in particular has uncovered a startling fact - that magic does actually exist - and vast amounts of resources have gone into developing the talents of so-called "mahohito", the few who can actually use magic.
Edition: D&D 5th Edition
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Science; technology
Aura: Purple

Vitrumund is a world abundant in precious metals and gemstones, which has led to the creation of a different kind of technology. Most Vitrumundian devices and machines run on an abundant energy source, one which has no danger of ever running out: chromairo energy, or as most people of the world call it, "magentia". Everybody is infused with a unique cybernetic technology commonly known as "crystal tech" or "crystec", which allows them certain abilities tied to their very being.
Edition: D&D Essentials
Main theme: Science fantasy
Sub-themes: Cybernetics; futurism
Aura: Magenta

Wyrmaria is a world in which everybody has ties to the bloodline of one kind of dragon, which gives select people access to abilities normal people couldn't have. There are two branches of humanity: the broadly-built, slightly-masculine Altosians, and the much more slender, effeminate Sopranans. They share their world with many cultures, including various kinds of dwarves, elves, gnomes, orcs and halflings, as well as a few races only found in Wyrmaria. Although everybody can claim ties to a dragon bloodline, only the minute number of true dragons can call themselves pure; they see those with the ability to use a dragon's breath to be a mockery of their kind, though different species of dragon have different viewpoints on the matter.
Edition: D&D v3.5
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Dragons; futurism; genetics
Aura: Pink

Inner Ring

The Known Realm is a continent in a little-explored world. The landmass is divided into eight regions: the four lands of humanity, each marked by a grand capita; the mountainous land of the dwarves in the frozen north; the forested land of the elves where few outsiders have ever tread; the rocky home of the ever-elusive gnomes; and the verdant halfling land where all travellers are welcome. Other far-flung corners of the world do exist, but their presence is only known due to the odd individual who mysteriously ends up in The Known Realm. These other lands include an Asian-inspired realm where the traditions of the martial arts originate; an overgrown wilderness where nature is king; a gloomy land which seems to appear from nowhere in the shadow of night; a lush paradise of magic and whimsy said to be inhabited by faeries; a harsh desert where civilisation collects around grand bodies of water; and a golden utopia in which the Celestial Beings are said to walk the land.
Edition: AD&D 1st Edition/D&D 4th Edition
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Tropes (stereotypical fantasy); exploration
Aura: Maroon/Metallic Red

Mekharatus is a world in a new industrial age, which has resulted in a revolution in the way the world is run. The top-ranking individuals are those in industry, manufacturing everything from vehicles to clothing, and even basic magic items. The dwarves lead the industrial revolution, with these hard-working folk making repeated breakthroughs in technology that members of other races can only hope to match.
Edition: Original D&D/D&D 5th Edition
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Industry; steampunk
Aura: Brown/Metallic Orange

Tankensei is a world shared by many grand civilisations, with the largest being the Empire of Cenadel, Norlandic Fleet, Weswood Kingdoms, Sousert Nomads and Easfielder Communities. Each civilisation is vastly different from the others in terms of culture, landscape and even the fantastic races who live in them. Each civilisation knows its boundaries, though attempts at stretching borders occur on a regular basis; no sooner does a nation emerge than it is swiftly absorbed into a civilisation. Seven smaller factions also exist, which are sizeable enough to be considered independent civilisations themselves, though not so big as to draw unwanted attention from the larger civilisations.
Edition: AD&D 2nd Edition/D&D Essentials
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Cultures; ambition
Aura: Khaki/Metallic Yellow

In the world of Feruyasei, the concept of civilisation is flipped upside-down and does a 180° rotation. The traditional races are the ones who dwell in the wilderness, whereas those which are deemed “monsters” in other worlds live in cities and townships, with kingdoms and empires of their own. Humans are still common amongst the wild races, but it is orcs who are the most populous of the civil cultures. Gnolls, goblins, kobolds and minotaurs serve as substitutes for the races of fantasy, filling niches which would otherwise be left absent in the world.
Edition: D&D Rules Cyclopedia/D&D v3.5
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Wilderness, expecting the unexpected
Aura: Olive/Metallic Lime

Yume-Honto is a mysterious and ancient realm which has a fine balance between tradition and futurism. The denizens of the world observe the legends and traditions of ancient times even as society advances into a new age. Spirits are said to exist in the world, and each culture has learned to honour these manifestations of nature in whatever shape they may take. The majestic Ryū are revered as the greatest of all spirits, and are both awed and feared in equal measure.
Edition: AD&D 1st Edition/D&D 4th Edition
Main theme: Science fantasy
Sub-themes: Asian inspiration; spirits
Aura: Moss/Metallic Green

On Nulmahou, magic has only existed amongst the populace for mere centuries. The individuals of the world express themselves artistically, which has resulted in a culture in which creativity is the driving force. Long ago, the people of the world abused magic, which very nearly led to a downward spiral which would grind civilisation to a halt. In order to restore balance, the elves stripped the world of magic, locking it away until the time was right. Now, the elves have reintroduced magic to the populace, which has boosted society in a positive way.
Edition: Original D&D/D&D 5th Edition
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Art; creativity
Aura: Teal/Metallic Aqua

Kumorimbus is a magical world floating upon a sea of sky and clouds. Every land is surrounded by this endless expanse of clear blue skies, from the mountainous realm of Dwarvirrus, to the forests of Elvatus, to the endless expanse of grass and sand known as Granumulus, and even the varied archipelago of Gnomori. But of all these great lands, only one is considered the greatest of all: the realm of Kumorimbus, a realm so great that its name has become synonymous with the entire world. Travel between lands is impossible on foot, with adventurers requiring an airship or ornithopter to reach them.
Edition: AD&D 2nd Edition/D&D Essentials
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Sky world; aerial adventures
Aura: Turquoise/Metallic Cyan

In Clefmath, nothing is as it appears. The world resonates into multiple harmonic dimensions, like notes on a sheet of music. The seven main resonant dimensions have been dubbed Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti, and each is home to a unique culture. Every resonant dimension exists in the same space at the same time, and with the right action it becomes possible to slip between them. Due to the fact that the barriers between resonant dimensions are so easily penetrable, it becomes possible for creatures and objects from other places to slip through, which indicates the presence of several other as-yet-unknown resonant dimensions.
Edition: D&D Rules Cyclopedia/D&D v3.5
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Exploration; music
Aura: Cobalt/Metallic Azure

Tabitineris is a network of advanced space colonies designed to support an entire civilisation. Journey between colonies requires a specialised transport vehicle, and each one is home to a unique culture and ecosystem. Over the centuries, the colonies have seen some amazing history, and adventurers often explore these lands to find the wonders hidden throughout. Society seems to have grown complacent, however, as most people have forgotten how the advanced technology works, and the wireless information network seems to be missing vital parts of the history of the colonies. This has resulted in a regression of civilisation, with advanced weapons and sciences replaced by swords and magic.
Edition: AD&D 1st Edition/D&D 4th Edition
Main theme: Science fantasy
Sub-themes: Spacefaring civilisation; paradigm shift in culture
Aura: Indigo/Metallic Blue

Panarcha is a realm with a rich history filled with multiple ancient cultures lost to the sands of time. Dragons, one of the oldest and most - or least - known of the world's cultures, are believed to be extinct, and relics and ruins of their civilisation can be found buried underground, leaving a legacy which has spawned many an archaeological explorer. Halflings in particular show an interest in this ancient legacy, with many becoming explorers in the hope of uncovering a new and amazing find to share with the world.
Edition: Original D&D/D&D 5th Edition
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Archaeology; history
Aura: Lavender/Metallic Purple

On Hyakuopolis, civilisation and nature are inverted. A hundred great cities are dotted across a vast landmass, separated by sections of wilderness. Most of the world's races have adapted to an urban environment, and adventurers in particular thrive in the dense concrete jungles they call home. A vast ocean surrounds the entire continent, and nobody knows what lies across it; some individuals even suggest that other lands exist beyond, though limits on fuel and resources make the long journey to venture out in search of them practically impossible.
Edition: AD&D 2nd Edition/D&D Essentials
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Cityscape; urban adventuring
Aura: Fuchsia/Metallic Magenta

The world of Frontier is a land ripe for adventure, with seven grand regions and plenty of environments to explore. The largest region is New Frontier, a land so diverse in environs that it itself is divided into smaller territories. Adventurers are more common than a muddvak drive, though they take on a decidedly unique approach, with many choosing to journey solo, or with only one or two companions at a time. But no matter how much the land may be mapped out, there's always a unique path to take, a unique goal to seek, and a unique adventure to be had. As the old saying goes, "It ain't the same New Frontier twice."
Edition: D&D Rules Cyclopedia/D&D v3.5
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: Western; solo journey
Aura: Rose/Metallic Pink

Multiversal Nexus

Axis, known by its inhabitants and visitors as the World in a Bubble, is a plane existing in a pocket reality. Its various locations stretch across the surface of the world, which exists as though it is inverted, giving credence to the adopted title. At opposite ends of the world are Axis City, a vast metropolis; and the Axis Wilderness, a large region of unspoiled wilderness. Sandwiched between them is a ring of eight smaller cities known as Alton, Dwarvia, Delia, Elva, Carly, Grandios, Escus and Tabi, each with its own unique theme and culture. Axis is said to be the nexus between every world, with the easiest way to travel between realities requiring Axis as a bridge. Many individuals see their world as the only one, with the concept of other worlds being too mind-boggling to comprehend. Once you know how to reach Axis, however, reality-hopping becomes relatively easy, although the results can prove unpredictable, stranding you in an undesired part of the destination world. Axis is populated by more than a few gnomes, and a running joke amongst the inhabitants of the world is that they are secretly working to take over Axis City and make it their own "Gnometopia"; the fact that virtually all technology in Axis is of gnome design probably fuels this silliness more than anything else, although gnomes usually encourage it even further themselves due to their outlandish senses of humour.
Edition: Various
Main theme: Fantasy
Sub-themes: City adventures; travel
Aura: Rainbow

In addition to these worlds, there may be others which exist beyond the network. The nature of these worlds is unknown.

"See you next time!" victory

Last edited by GamerZack87 on December 24th 2014, 3:40 am; edited 67 times in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

November 29th 2013, 4:16 pm
Chromairo is a mystical energy which permeates each world of the multiverse, defining its place in the grand cosmological order. Each world has a differently-coloured aura; for example, if one were able to see Junihoshi's aura, they would notice a swirling, rippling mass of light-blue chromairo energy everywhere. People from within those worlds also share the colour of chromairo tied to their world, which acts as a residual footprint of sorts. Some people are able to see chromairo energy, meaning they could theoretically determine if somebody was an outsider, an individual not native to their world. The chromairo of Axis is unique in that it is not a single colour; rather, it is a mixture of colours swirling and rippling amongst each other, with seers regarding it as one of the most beautiful displays in all the worlds. The chromairo energy of the worlds of the Inner Ring is not brightly-coloured like that of the worlds of the Outer Ring; instead, it glistens with an almost-metallic sheen.

Here is a chart of the multiverse, with Axis at its centre; followed by twelve worlds surrounding it in the shape of a ring; and finally another twelve worlds which form another ring around the outside. This is commonly believed to be the order of the worlds, with the symbol they create hidden in many forms throughout the multiverse:

The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Epxe

Outer Ring (clockwise from top): Dracromia-Metaligon, Periquos, Astrumium, Zokugemina, Pentorbix, Terra Neos, Junihoshi, Tankensei, Thalasera, Incognes, Vitrumund, Wyrmaria

Inner Ring (clockwise from bottom): The Known Realm, Mekharatus, Sunayuki, Feruyasei, Yume-Honto, Nulmahou, Kumorimbus, Clefmath, Tabitineris, Panarcha, Hyakuopolis, Frontier

Centre: Axis

"See you next time!" victory

Last edited by GamerZack87 on September 5th 2014, 5:18 pm; edited 24 times in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

December 13th 2013, 8:03 pm
Each realm is very different from the others, with variations in aura, terrain, cultures, animal life, and even laws of reality. However, there are several things that all worlds have in common with each other:

Common Races and Classes: Every world has dwarves, elves, halflings and humans. Likewise, every world has individuals who could be classified as clerics, fighters, rogues and wizards. Even though names for the common races and classes may vary greatly between realms, they are all still the same fundamentally.

Dragons: Dragons can be found in every realm, with the black, blue, green, red and white varieties being the most prevalent. Some worlds have variations on the standard dragon; a number of realms have dragons in humanoid form, for example; and in Dracromia-Metaligon, the traditional dragons are Astral Beings.

Chromairo: Each world radiates chromairo, a mystical energy which helps define a world's identity; if one thinks of Junihoshi, for example, they may associate it with the colour cyan. It is theorised amongst those who know of the multiverse that other realms may exist beyond the outer ring of worlds, but none can comprehend the kind of chromairo energy, if any, those places could emit.

As you can see, the worlds truly are connected with each other in many ways. With a few things in common with every other world, each place has just a little hint of the familiar, which makes those who travel between realms much more secure when unimaginably far away from home.

"See you next time!" victory

Last edited by GamerZack on December 31st 2013, 8:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCG3iWvffWOZoci2vjsHPjQQ
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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

December 18th 2013, 2:51 pm
And now for the first part in a series of descriptions about each world. Enjoy! Smile


Name meaning: Dragons of Chromia/Dragons of Metalius
Location: 12 O'Clock on the Outer Ring
Chromairo Aura: Red
World Variations: Dracromia; Metaligon
Primary Races: Drachomus (plural = "Drachomi"); Human
Common Races: Dwarf, Wood Elf, Elfborn, Halfling, Gnome*
Planar Races: Celestial, Elemental, High Elf, Dark Elf
Native Cromian Races: Orcborn, Goblin, Wolfborn, Minotaur
Native Metalin Races: Giantborn, Kobold, Tigerborn, Arborling
Special Races: Automaton, Corelem
Primary Astral Beings: The Twelve Dragons

Dracromia and Metaligon are two worlds which exist in the same space, yet the inhabitants are unaware of their world's twin. Both worlds are 180 degrees out-of-sync with each other, which allows for their dual existence. Dracromia and Metaligon may have once been a single world, meaning that a certain event caused them to diverge into parallel timelines. The histories of the worlds are parallel in multiple ways, with every aspect having an equal or opposite in the other world; orcs exist in Dracromia's region of Tundarus, for example; whereas giants exist in Metaligon's version of Tundarus instead.

The Drachomus Empires and Nations

Dracromia is a world in turmoil, its twelve Drachomus Empires always at odds with one another. Scuffles do occasionally break out between factions, though wars are thankfully rare; the last major conflict occurred over 200 years ago. The empires are each occupied by one of twelve subspecies of drachomus, and it's easy to tell which side most drachomi take. Each race has its own special traits: red drachomi, for example, are resistant to and breathe fire; whereas cyan drachomi are resistant to air and have a breath weapon like a razor-sharp gust of wind.

The drachomi of Metaligon occupy the twelve Drachomus Nations, who exist in relative peace with each other. Squabbles are usually resolved through debates and treaties rather than all-out conflict. Each kind of drachomus in Dracromia has a counterpart in Metaligon, though Metalin drachomi are metallic in hue rather than a single solid colour: gold drachomi are the counterparts to red drachomi; whereas mithril drachomi are parallel to cyan drachomi.

Drachomi: Red/Gold

Drachomi: Blue/Bronze

Drachomi: Green/Copper

Drachomi: Black/Brass

Drachomi: White/Silver

Drachomi: Brown/Iron

Drachomi: Grey/Adamant

Drachomi: Purple/Cobalt

Drachomi: Orange/Orichalcum

Drachomi: Cyan/Mithril

Drachomi: Yellow/Quicksilver

Drachomi: Magenta/Steel

Non-Drachomus Lands

Though many humans choose to live in drachomus lands, they did not originate in them. All of the non-drachomus cultures come from a continent far across the ocean, which is divided into three countries: Munthrek, the home of the humans and halflings; Tundarus, the frozen domain of the dwarves; and Wievalia, the lush realm of the wood elves. Other races exist in these lands, with numerous distinctions between both Dracromia and Metaligon.

Munthrek, the central continent, is home to the humans and halflings in both worlds. It is covered in rolling meadows, golden paddocks and open woodland. Almost all elfborn make their home here, as do the civilised members of an otherwise pesky folk: the green-skinned goblins of Dracromia and the reptilian kobolds of Metaligon.

Tundarus is the mountainous region in the northern part of the continent, covered in glaciating peaks, icy tundras and coniferous forests. Dwarves are common to both Dracromia and Metaligon, and each world has unique races as well: in Dracromia, the tough orcborn and honourable minotaurs; and in Metaligon, the mighty giantborn and constructive gnomes.

Wievalia is a verdant, forested realm to the south, home to a varied ecosystem of flora and fauna. The wood elves dwell in this land, and like the other parts of the continent, it is home to unique cultures in each world: the noble wolfborn and inquisitive gnomes of Dracromia; and the cunning tigerborn and tree-like arborlings of Metaligon.

People of the Planes

Dracromia-Metaligon is a rich and varied realm teeming with all sorts of cultures. But beyond the boundaries of the world lie other planes, extra layers of reality which contrast and expand the cosmology. The five main planes are the Prime Material Plane, the universe in which Dracromia and Metaligon are located; the Realm of Faerie, an echo of the world which resembles a bright, summery paradise; the Domain of Shadow, another echo of the world which resonates a cold, wintry gloom; the Astral Sea, an ocean of gossamer surrounded by stars; and the Ethereal Expanse, a misty plain of metal.

The Realm of Faerie and the Domain of Shadow are known as the echo planes, other worlds which are similar to the Prime Material Plane. The Realm of Faerie is a sunlit paradise of eternal summer, and is home to the high elves; by contrast, the Domain of Shadow is a wintry realm of eternal night, and is inhabited by the dark elves. The Astral Sea leads to the Celestial Planes, and is home to the immortals, individuals who have transcended the limits of being mortal. The Ethereal Expanse is the gateway to the Elemental Planes, and is the domain of the genies, powerful wish-granters who are bound to the plane. Immortals and genies may be reborn into the Prime Material Plane either by choice or as punishment, and are born into human families as either celestials or elementals.

Lexicon of Dracromia-Metaligon


The Twelve Dragons (Dracromia): A pantheon of twelve Astral Beings who were granted the powers of the first dragon. In Dracromia's ancient past, the original orcs became frightened of the progenitor dragon Celeste, and resolved to strike her down; her body then transformed into Celeste's multicoloured daughter, Chromia. Chromia in turn was caught in the crossfire between the warring elven factions, shattering into twelve brightly-coloured crystal shards, which were entrusted to twelve specially-chosen dragons. These shards energised them, transforming them into Astral Beings.

The Twelve Dragons (Metaligon): A pantheon of twelve Astral Beings who were granted the powers of the first dragon. In Metaligon's ancient past, the original giants became frightened of the progenitor dragon Celeste, and resolved to strike her down; her body then transformed into Celeste's metallic son, Metalius. Metalius in turn was caught in the crossfire between the warring elven factions, shattering into twelve gleaming metal shards, which were entrusted to twelve specially-chosen dragons. These shards energised them, transforming them into Astral Beings.

Marilina (mah-ra-LEE-na): The patron Astral Being of the humans in both worlds.

Alistair (al-ih-STAIR): The patron Astral Being of the dwarves in both worlds.

Elmeria (el-MEH-ree-uh): The patron Astral Being of the wood elves in both worlds.

Rhyanna (ree-YAH-na): The patron Astral Being of the halflings in both worlds.

Sbenmor (s-BEN-more): The patron Astral Being of the gnomes in Dracromia.

Mina (MEE-nuh): The patron Astral Being of the gnomes in Metaligon.

Gorlark (GORE-lark): The patron Astral Being of the orcborn in Dracromia.

Oarkrum (oh-ARE-kroom): The patron Astral Being of the giantborn in Metaligon.

Beau (BOH): The patron Astral Being of the minotaurs in Dracromia.

Arba (AR-buh): The patron Astral Being of the arborlings in Metaligon.

Shienna (she-YEN-uh): The patron Astral Being of the high elves in both worlds.

Nocturnus (nock-TURN-us): The patron Astral Being of the dark elves in both worlds.

Naturius (nuh-CHEW-ree-us): Not a true Astral Being, but rather the metaphysical embodiment of nature in Dracromia; also the patron of the wolfborn.

Naturia (nuh-CHEW-ree-uh): Not a true Astral Being, but rather the metaphysical embodiment of nature in Metaligon; also the patron of the tigerborn.

More to come. Stay tuned!

"See you next time!" victory

Last edited by GamerZack on January 1st 2014, 3:21 am; edited 2 times in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCG3iWvffWOZoci2vjsHPjQQ
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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

December 23rd 2013, 2:33 pm
One of the main characters of Crystals of Silveria is Zed Starmute, a man who mysteriously arrived in a small town in the world of Junihoshi. Zed had no memory of who he was prior to his arrival, and eventually he discovers more about himself than could be thought possible. But he is not the only individual in this circumstance. At least fifteen others have also mysteriously appeared in the worlds of the Chromaicora, each with their own personality and story to tell (WARNING! The first and seventh individuals contain big spoilers of what's to come in the series; if you wish to read the spoilers you must highlight their section):


The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Co8t
Name & Title: Alph Jackson of Akanius
World: Dracromia
Race & Class: Human Fighter
Gender: Male
Physical features: Dark hair (silver eyebrows), green eyes, fair skin
Allies: Ocre, Crynock, Amy, Furbendink (companions)
Motto: "If something doesn't go your way, keep pushing until it does."

Alph is an individual who ended up in the Red Drachomus Empire. A courageous young man with a knack for the heroic, he gets on well with almost anybody, always trying his best to befriend everybody he meets. Due to the harsh air of his adopted homeland, Alph wears a breather at all times, even when the air is pure enough to breathe normally. After stumbling into a domed city coughing from the acrid air outside, he was taken in by a red drachomus known as Ocre, a highly-skilled fighter. She decided to teach him the ways of swordplay, taking him on as her squire. Eventually, the two started adventuring, allying with three others: Crynock, a drachomus cleric of Soranius; Amy, a powerful psychic from Munthrek; and Furbendink, a cheeky gnome from Wievalia. Alph eventually learns that he is able to open portals between Dracromia and its parallel twin Metaligon, meaning he is essentially tied to two different worlds.


Name & Title: Arch of the Triceratops Tribe
World: Periquos
Race & Class: Sapient Druid
Gender: Male
Physical features: Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin
Allies: Rhino (beast companion); Sera, Lucas, Gurkn (companions)
Motto: "Friendship is the most precious thing in the world."

Arch is a young man with a love of exploring the wilderness, encountering all the creatures that dwell within it. He has a fascination with animals of all kinds, especially dinosaurs, and he has the ability to speak to every dinosaur he meets, a gift which is shared by none of his allies. Arch's earliest memory of the world of Periquos is encountering a single, large egg in the middle of the wilderness. As he approached it, a golden projection of a Triceratops encouraged him to take it and care for the then-unhatched dinosaur inside. This event was witnessed by a girl from a so-called "wild clan", a barbarian named Sera. She rushed Arch to her tribe's elder, who revealed to him that the encounter of the Great Triceratops Spirit is the highest honour for any sapient to receive, and the receipt of an egg by it is a sign of greatness. Before Arch could react, he was inducted into the tribe, and he and Sera were sent on a great journey. The egg did eventually hatch, with Arch naming the infant Triceratops "Rhino".


Name & Title: Stela Moon, Gift of the Stars
World: Astrumium
Race & Class: Human Bard (Skald)
Gender: Female
Physical features: Blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin
Allies: Fyona Sunshimmer, Altimus Greenmeadow, Nack Carpett (companions)
Motto: "Don't count me out just because I'm human!"

Stela is a young woman with an incredible singing voice. She loves to sing so much that she learned to channel her voice into an array of magical abilities. She sometimes has visions when she touches an object containing stellar alloy, an ability which helps her when needed most. Stela wandered into a dwarven settlement distraught and in tears, with no memory of her life prior to her arrival. A dwarven priest named Fyona took her in and comforted her, and soon they left on a great adventure together. Along the way they made allies in the talented elven mage Altimus and the surprisingly-skilled halfling fighter Nack, and they even forged ties with a sister party, teaming up with them on numerous occasions. During their journey, Stela performs as an entertainer, and her voice is slowly being regarded as one of the best in the land. She has adjusted well to her new life, and she dreams of where her journey - and her career - will take her next. To her, the stars are the limit.


Name & Title: Kari, Bane of Monsterkind
World: Zokugemina
Race & Class: Human Paladin
Gender: Female
Physical features: Golden hair, blue eyes, fair skin
Allies: Sunshard (mount); Aren the Wise, Ink the Brave, Nimby the Cunning (companions)
Motto: "I see no reason to fear the monsters under my bed!"

Kari is a kindhearted young woman with no apparent fear of anything. She is quick to defend anybody she meets, no matter who they may be. She can detect the presence of monsters, which has made her a big target for the forces of Monsterkind. Arriving mysteriously in the village of Sunsdawn, Kari soon learned that the world of Zokugemina was in turmoil. The people of the world were split into two factions: the Races of Light and the Races of Monsterkind, and Kari was apparently on the side of order. She soon learned that as a human, she was in the most danger, due to the fact that monsters of every species despise humanity most of all. Worse still, Kari was seemingly being targeted on a daily basis, with no explanation for the attacks. Kari himself elected to be trained as a paladin, and so she was secretly taken to the metropolis of Lumas Capitas along with three allies. Now, she stands against the forces of Monsterkind, hoping to learn why they so desperately want her gone.

The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings D8lm
Name & Title: Tessa Trix, Wanderer
World: Pentorbix III
Race & Class: Human Mage
Gender: Female
Physical features: Brown hair, hazel eyes, tan skin
Allies: Clarissa Trix, Aquan Trix (adoptive siblings and companions); Grefk of Orca (companion)
Motto: "I didn't know I could do that!"

Tessa is a girl with an unpredictable set of talents - not even she is aware of her hidden potential! She was found in a stasis tube aboard an abandoned spacecraft by the twins Clarissa and Aquan Trix, who noticed that the former occupants were studying her closely. They revived Tessa, and it became immediately apparent that she had incredible potential as an illusionist, though she had no memory of her life prior to her awakening. The vessel was boarded by a clan of orcs, who seeked to capture Tessa. Just as all hope seemed lost, an orcborn named Grefk turned against his allies, saving the humans and joining their cause. Clarissa and Aquan arranged for Tessa to be their legally-recognised sibling, taking her in and finding her a magic instructor to teach her about illusion magic.


Name & Title: Sean Pier, Sightshifter
World: Terra Neos
Race & Class: Human Monk (Shugenja)
Gender: Male
Physical features: Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, pinkish skin
Allies: Belle, Jack, Steve, Siren (Mundane Realm friends); Alistair Lightborn, Shienna Woodgrove, Rhyanna Stelf, Nocturnus Moonshimmer (Fantastic Realm companions)
Motto: "Visiting another world just by looking at it is so cool!"

Sean is an easygoing guy who loves surfing. In fact, Sean's earliest memory is of surfing. Quite literally. The first thing he remembers about his life on Terra is riding a monster wave off the coast of a tropical beach. While looking at an atlas in a library, he looked at a world map of Terra and said, "Dude, that map seems upside-down!", which triggered his first sightshift; he gazed upon the Fantastic Realm for only a moment, but his transitional state was witnessed by two other people, who immediately whisked him from the library before anybody else saw. The two people, Belle and Jack, had heard rumours of people who could see into the other world, and that those people could eventually see so deep into it that they could shift between them. They took in Sean, allowing him to live in their apartment as a roommate and helping him get a job at the local surf and scuba shop. A work colleague named Steve became his best friend, offering to teach him to dive underwater. Belle and Jack helped Sean shift into Neos, where he met people of the most extraordinary variety: Alistair the Dwarf, Shienna the High Elf, Rhyanna the Halfling and Nocturnus the Dark Elf. Eventually, both Steve and another colleague named Siren found out about Sean's talent and vowed to keep it a secret. Now, Sean leads a life in both worlds, working in a surf shop and riding the waves with his friends in the Mundane Realm and adventuring across the land with his companions in the Fantastic Realm.

WARNING! Spoilers of future Crystals of Silveria events concealed in this section!
The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings N75i
Name & Title: Zed Starmute
Real Name: Rory Zed
World: Junihoshi (formerly Metaligon)
Race & Class: Human Spellsword (Psychic dilettante)
Gender: Male
Physical features: Ginger hair (blonde eyebrows), steel-blue eyes, fair skin
Current Allies: Argen (familiar); Kendall White, Laura White (friends); Alekzander "Alek" Stormshroud (acquaintance); Amethyst Moondew, Makkmak "Mak" Clay, Thobrun Steelanvil, Lady Emily of Summershire, Bryn, Broccoli Choy Verdann Svetlana Asparagustus etc. Farshot; Mara White (companions)
Former Allies: Crynock, Ocre, Amy, Furb (former companions)
Motto: "Great things come in humble packages."

Zed is a quirky individual with multiple conflicting personality traits, as well as some contradictory physical qualities to boot. Originally ending up in the world of Metaligon, Zed found himself wandering into a town in Junihoshi, where a kindhearted shopkeeper took in the confused and frightened young man. About a year later, Zed was chosen by a mysterious artefact to be a Crystalbound, one of seven individuals who had incredible talents. During a temporary traumatic event involving his instructor and ally Amethyst, Zed remembered he was a spellsword, someone who can fuse swordcraft and magic into a single art form, and he awakened a secret ability: psychic power. Zed and his companions are constantly besieged by the Dark Crystalbound, led by the sorceress Mara, and later, the twisted ranger Brent. Zed hopes to one day learn who he is and where he belongs.


Name & Title: Roman, Ward of the King
World: Tankensei
Race & Class: Human Priest
Gender: Male
Physical features: Blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin
Allies: The King, The Queen (guardians); Lum, Ward of the King (friend); Rick the Guard-Captain, Mela the Court Magus, Pilf the Wily Spy (companions)
Motto: "Perhaps, with the guidance of my allies, I can find my place in this world."

If you ask anybody about Roman, they'll likely say "He's the perfect example of a gentleman." Polite, courteous, always honest; these are Roman's defining qualities. He can learn new languages almost instantaneously, making him the perfect liaison between Cenadel and the other empires and peoples of the world. After awakening in the middle of a vast city with no prior memory of his own life, a bewildered Roman came across the Temple of Marilina, and the priests and priestesses took him in and gave him a place to live. After receiving some training as a priest himself, Roman received an invitation to meet the King and Queen themselves. He was taken in by the royal couple as an adopted son, as they were unable to bear a child of their own. Roman quickly discovered that he had an adoptive sister, a young woman named Lum, and the two became good friends. Eventually, Roman's desire to find his place in the world was too much to bear, so the King and Queen arranged a group of travelling companions for Roman, three specially-chosen individuals from the royal court: Rick, captain of the guard; Mela, the court magician; and Pilf, a roguish individual who lurked outside the palace and was made a secret agent. The three swore to protect Roman with their very lives, and they have bonded through their adventures, with Roman calling them part of his extended adopted family.


Name & Title: Shelley Wiley, Captain of the Hat
World: Thalasera
Race & Class: Isleborn Rogue
Gender: Female
Physical features: Dark brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin
Allies: The crew of the Hat (companions)
Motto: "Uh...sure, I'll be your captain!"

Shelley is a passionate girl who seeks adventure on the high seas. Awakening aboard a mysterious vessel, she noticed a crew of seafarers surrounding her! Due to a case of mistaken identity, the crew mistook her for their new captain, and, with her lack of memory prior to that moment, she also assumed it to be the case! To further the confusion, she knew her way around the boat, indicating that she must be a most skilled seafarer. When asked about the name of the ship, the hat she was wearing blew away, and she suddenly shouted "My hat!", and so the ship was renamed the Hat. Shelley and her crew are constantly being pursued by the pirate Michelle, who seems to be targeting the young girl at every turn. No matter where they sail the Hat, Michelle and her ship the Hat Eater continue to pursue them, but to what end? Shelley gains the ability to transform into a merborn, an offshoot of humanity which has adapted to life under the sea. As a merborn, she is able to swim and breathe under the waves, neither of which she can do as an isleborn.


Name & Title: Sky, Airship Novice
World: Incognes
Race & Class: Human Ranger
Gender: Male
Physical features: Dark hair, blue eyes, fair skin
Allies: Trop, Strat, Zone, Gen (companions)
Motto: "I go wherever the sky takes me."

Sky was born to fly, at least according to him. He always feels most at home flying through the clouds in the cockpit of his personal skiff, or aboard his allies' airship, the Teal Orb. When Sky was found by Trop, Strat and Zone, he had no memory of his life before that moment; all he could remember was that he belonged in the clouds. Both he and Zone became fast friends, with Zone teaching Sky how to pilot a skiff, a skill which he picked up naturally. Strat called him "the most talented pilot he'd ever seen", but Trop didn't trust the young individual until Sky saved his life. The crew have since welcomed Sky to their ranks, and it's clear to Strat that Sky and Gen are unrequitedly smitten with each other.


Name: Gemma, Uncrystalline One
World: Vitrumund
Race & Class: Human Barbarian
Gender: Female
Physical features: Light brown hair, blue eyes, tan skin
Allies: Tal Glass, Chris Prismshine, Zurk Onyum (companions)
Motto: "Don't judge me just because I have no crystal tech!"

Gemma is a tomboyish girl with a bit of a wild side. She loves to let loose and have fun no matter the situation, though she does pace herself to a limited extent. Her earliest memory is being set upon by two thugs in the middle of a futuristic city. When she kicked them to the ground and threatened to stomp them with her gigantic foot, she asked them why they targeted her, to which they replied, "You looked weak! You have no crystal tech!" A young man named Tal came to assist her, taking her back to his home. He offered to take her to receive some crystal tech of her very own, but the idea scared her, and Tal said not another word about it. The two left to find Gemma's place in the world, and they eventually met two other individuals who joined their cause. Unbeknownst to Gemma, the law states that every individual must have at least the most basic crystal tech, which is usually implanted at infancy and adapts the child to the world. Why Gemma has no crystal tech remains a mystery, but Tal, Chris and Zurk know that if anybody else found out, she would be arrested and imprisoned for a very long time. Despite having no crystal tech in her body, Gemma is able to adeptly use any form of technology with ease, even being able to switch on and hack devices which can only be operated by people with highly advanced crystal tech. This bizarre ability cannot be explained by anybody, but it provides the perfect cover for the lack of crystal tech in her physiology.

The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Myi5
Name & Title: Drey Nulwurm, Wyrmaria's Most Wanted
World: Wyrmaria
Race & Class: Altosian Sorcerer
Gender: Male
Physical features: Black hair, blue eyes, tan skin
Allies: Scaly (familiar); Amejisto (confidante); Aria, Harmonn, Melodia, Terak (companions)
Motto: "Everybody's after me? Why? What's so special about me?"

Drey is an ordinary young man, always humble, kind and honest. He also has a streak of unpredictability, showing a wild side from time to time. The most remarkable thing about him, however, is the fact that he has the lowest percentage of dragon genes in the entire world. While it's rare for anybody to have a dominant bloodline lower than 12.5%, it's impossible for anybody to have a bloodline of 0%. Everybody has ties to a dragon bloodline, so Drey's unique situation indicates that he has no connection to anybody in the world! With an enormous bounty weighing on Drey's shoulders, he now flees from most individuals he encounters. He is not alone, however: fellow altosian Aria, along with the sopranans Harmonn and Melodia and the dragon-like Terak, aid Drey in finding his place in the world. The young man is constantly guided by Amejisto, one of the last 100% pure amethyst dragons in existence, who grants him a special means of manifesting sorcerer powers in order to better conceal his identity.

Other Character Concepts


Name & Title: Flora Grove, Druid of the Fuchsia Circle
World: Feruyasei
Race & Class: Human Druid
Gender: Female
Physical features: Golden hair, green eyes, fair skin
Allies: Kestrel (animal companion)
Motto: "I feel most at home in nature's bounty."

Flora is a serene young woman, always seemingly calm and peaceful. She also has a soothing singing voice which calms most individuals. Flora awoke in the middle of a lush woodland grove, and the first thing she saw was a small bird-of-prey tangled in a trap. After freeing the creature, it guided her through the forest, leading her to a druid's circle. The druids, who were all dressed in flowing purple garb adorned with flowers, welcomed the confused girl into their circle. She bonded with her bird friend, naming him "Kestrel", and resolved to wander through the world until she found her place.


Name & Title: Bruna, the Wandering One
World: The Known Realm
Race & Class: Human Ranger
Gender: Female
Physical features: Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin
Allies: Vermilius of Hiltonia, Saphron of Davinia, Cerulea of Lebrisia, Jade of Grytonia (companions); Tangelo, Currance, Skyfrüt (friends)
Motto: "This world seems too cliché to be home."

Bruna is an intelligent woman with a vivid imagination. She seeks to prove herself that she can be strong physically as well as creatively. After stumbling into a Hiltonian town with no prior memory of her life, a young fighting-man named Vermilius came to her aid, with Bruna seeing his act of chivalry as being rather odd. Vermilius offered to escort Bruna to a town in neighbouring Davinia, where his friend Saphron, a cleric, might be able to help her. Bruna agreed to the proposal under the condition that she be treated as an equal. Along the way, they were "attacked" by a Grytonian named Jade, but one look at the companions' blades made the thief question his motives. Both Bruna and Vermilius agreed to let him join their cause. Before reaching Davinia, the ragtag team saved a mage named Cerulea from goblins; Bruna thought of this scenario as being "cliché", but she shrugged it off and continued her journey with her allies. The party finally reached the town, where Saphron said that a mysterious object in a far-flung corner of the world may hold the key to Bruna's memories. Bruna once again saw this as being "cliché", but she still travels with her friends regardless, hoping that there may be an exciting twist to the story.


Name & Title: Treasure Hunter Mont
World: Panarcha
Race & Class: Human Rogue
Gender: Male
Physical features: Brown hair, green eyes, fair skin
Allies: Archibald the Hairy, Spherica the Pointy-Eared, Tallinus the Half-Pint, "Lizzy" (companions)
Motto: "Gather 'round, my friends, and I'll tell you a tale..."

Mont is a man who enjoys the finer things in life. Whether it's fine food, a grand adventure or even companionship, Mont desires it all. But what he desires most is his memory, something which nobody else, not even his allies, knows is missing. Mont found himself outside a ruin of the long-forgotten dragon empire, and his first thought was to explore it as a clue to what he should do next. After almost losing more than just his memory, he was saved by four individuals: a dwarf, an elf, a halfling and a kobold of unknown origin he dubbed "Lizzy". He quickly joined their expedition party, hoping to learn who he is without letting them know about his memory trouble.


Name & Title: Cliff, Mysterious One
World: Clefmath
Class: Mystic
Gender: Male
Physical features: Blonde hair, green eyes, fair skin
Allies: Melanie, Torkheg, Analissia, Scrup (companions)
Motto: "If music is the key to home, just point me to the door."

Cliff is a young man with a passion for entertainment, though ironically he is tone deaf, having no sense of rhythm or pitch when it comes to music. He is, however, a talented dancer, displaying moves unlike any seen before on Clefmath. Slipping into the middle of a town in the resonant dimension of So, Cliff was surprised to be surrounded by people performing feats of magic. He became worried when he couldn't remember any part of his life prior to that moment, and when questioned about who he was and from which dimension he shifted, he simply stated, "I don't know!" A woman named Melanie, who was visiting from the resonant dimension of Do, took him to see the archmagus of the town, who asked him if he remembered anything at all about himself. Cliff's unusual dancing technique impressed the archmagus, who asked Melanie to take him back to Do, where the clerics could attempt to find the source of his origin. It soon became apparent, however, that Cliff was from none of the known resonant dimensions, and Melanie was instructed to take him to other lands in order to find his home. Cliff and Melanie met three friends in other resonant dimensions: in Re, Torkheg the dwarf; in Fa, Analissia the elf; and in La, Scrup the halfling. Cliff hopes to find his home one day, but he's content to journey with his companions until then.


Name & Title: Nina, the Desert's Flower
World: Sunayuki
Race & Class: Human Druid
Gender: Female
Physical features: Dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, fair skin
Allies: Lint the Halfling, Borik the Ice-Miner, Lily Watertide (companions)
Motto: "Beauty may be skin deep, but inner beauty extends beyond."

Nina is an exceptionally attractive young woman who displays an even more exceptional inner beauty; she believes that everybody is beautiful, save for the most egocentric and selfish individuals, because your personality is what defines true, unparalleled beauty. Nina was found stumbling through the desert by a lone halfling named Lint. He took the confused girl to nearby Scorchfrost Island, a landmass which stretched across the border between the Desert Split and Northfrost Cap. There they met two individuals, a dwarf named Borik and an elf named Lily, who were being bullied by a tyrant from the mainland who demanded their villages fall unto his control as part of his then-diminutive dominion. When he was stopped by the four individuals, he declared them sworn enemies, vowing that he, Lurmwake, would ultimately target them as long as they remained a threat. Nina and her allies are constantly targeted by Lurmwake and his troops, with the four allies often proving their skills and preventing the tyrant from capturing the island.


Name & Title: Beige, the Rainbow-Garbed
World: Nulmahou
Class: Magic-User
Gender: Female
Physical features: Blonde hair (multicoloured streaks), blue left eye, hazel right eye, fair skin
Allies: Ruben, Saphira, Emeraldo (companions); Yela, Simon, Magenti, Rayne (acquaintances)
Motto: "Colour is everything!"

A self-proclaimed artistic genius, Beige's abstract style is adored by those she meets, particularly due to her use of vibrant, rich colours. She is a free spirit, always more content to do things her own way. She also has an obsession with fruity drinks. Beige's earliest memory of her life was wandering into a grand metropolis on the continent of Hue, where she encountered three individuals: a fighter named Ruben, a thief named Saphira and a cleric named Emeraldo. These individuals were searching for a bandit known as the "Multicoloured Burglar", who was stealing valuable artwork and sculptures. They immediately mistook Beige for the bandit and proceeded to take her to be arrested. After a lengthy process, it became clear that Beige was innocent and she was free to go. As an apology for their accusations, the three individuals offered to help Beige with her memory trouble, to which Beige agreed. The group now travels around the world, which Beige sees as a real cultural feast. She relishes on every new experience, and deep down, she partly doesn't want to remember about her life, lest her wonderful journey end before she has had her fill.

"See you next time!" victory

Last edited by GamerZack7 on March 31st 2014, 4:37 pm; edited 25 times in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCG3iWvffWOZoci2vjsHPjQQ
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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

December 31st 2013, 2:07 pm
Here are some examples of the meanings behind the names of characters and places:

Dracromia-Metaligon: The first three letters of Dracromia and last three letters of Metaligon combine into the word "dragon". The character Alph is based on Mike Smith, a character I was developing for another project of mine; Mike's signature element is fire, which is associated with the colour red, just like Alph's world.

Periquos: The "quos" part of the name comes from the Latin word for time, in reference to aspects of the past and future overlapping the present; the "peri" part is a leftover aspect of my original planned theme for Periquos (empires similar to civilisations of Earth's past, a theme which would later be used for Tankensei). Arch's name is derived from "archosaur", the ancient group of reptiles which included dinosaurs, pterosaurs and crocodiles, among others.

Astrumium: The "astrum" part is derived from the Latin word for star; the "-ium" suffix refers to an element or compound, specifically stellar alloy, a metal found throughout Astrumium. Stela's name means star.

Zokugemina: A fusion of "geminus", the Latin word for twin, and "zoku", the Japanese word for tribe, which references the two forces who struggle to control the world. Kari's name is derived from "hikari", the Japanese word for light.

Pentorbix: A combination of "penta", the Latin word for five; and "orbis", the Latin word for globe. Tessa's name sounded like something which suits a space-themed setting.

Terra Neos: Terra is a common name used in fiction for our world, though this particular Terra is merely a world which happens to be near-identical to Earth; the word "neos" means new, in reference to how sightshifters perceive their world upon seeing the fantastic realm for the first time. Patrick sounded like a good name for a character who lives in an Earth-like world.

Junihoshi: "Juni" is twelve in Japanese, and "hoshi" is star in Japanese. Zed is based on Cory Jack, a character from one of my other projects. Cory's element is ice, which is coloured cyan like Junihoshi's chromairo energy.

Tankensei: A combination of the Japanese words "tanken", meaning expedition or exploration, and "ensei", which means expedition or campaign; "tankensei" could mean "adventure expedition campaign", referencing its five empires. Roman's name is a nod to the Roman Empire.

Thalasera: Derived from "thalassa", the Greek word for ocean; I picked it because it sounded like an elegant name for an aquatic world. Shelley is a pun on shell, an object found on a beach.

Feruyasei: Derived from "yasei", the Japanese word for wild; the "feru" part means "animal" in one of the world's ancient languages. Flora's name means plant, specifically flower.

Vitrumund: Derived from "vel vitrum", the Latin word for crystal; and "mundus", the Latin word for (the) world. Gemma's name refers to gemstones, which I thought matched up well with the theme of cybernetics made from crystal.

Wyrmaria: A combination of "wyrm" (pronounced the same as worm), another word for dragon; and aria, meaning Wyrmaria literally means "song of dragonkind". Drey's name sounds similar to "draco", another word for dragon.

The Known Realm: Quite literally the most well-known part of the world. Bruna's name is in reference to the Known Realm's brownish chromairo energy.

Sunayuki is a combination of two Japanese words: "suna", meaning sand, and "yuki", meaning snow. Nina's name is derived from "ni", the Japanese word for two, referencing the dual environment types of the world.

Clefmath: A mish-mash of cleric, fighter, magic-user and thief, the world's classes; the "clef" part also references the theme of music, and the "math" part indicates an equation, meaning Clefmath translates as "science of music". Cliff's name sounds like clef.

Incognes: A modified version of the word "incognito", with the "cog" part being the key meaning of the name; also a reference to Nintendo's first (second?) home system, the NES. Sky's name is in reference to his piloting skills.

Panarcha: "pan" means "one", and "archa" is derived from "archaeos", which means "ancient"; therefore, Panarcha means "ancient ones", in reference to the now-extinct dragons. Treasure hunter Mont's name means mountain.

Nulmahou: A combination of "nul", as in "no"; and "mahou", the Japanese word for magic. Beige's name is ironic, because she loves a range of vibrant colours.

Lanovus: A combination of "LAN", as in local-area network; and "novus", the Latin(?) word for new; Midakaoi is a fusion of "midori", "aka" and "aoi", Japanese words for green, red and blue, respectively. Each faction's name combines a colour in Japanese with a pun on a method of music distribution: Midiora is a combination of midori and "MIDI"; Akempey is a combination of aka and "MP3"; Aoatrak is a combination of "ao", another Japanese word for blue, and "ATRAC"; Muraysa combines "murasaki", which means purple, and "AAC"; Cordisc combines "sorairo", which translates as sky-colour, and "compact disc"; Kirobox combines "kiiro", which means yellow, and "boombox"; and Oredeoh combines "orenji", which means orange, and "radio"; in addition, a possible neutral faction, Sircset, combines "shiro", which means white, and "cassette". Web and Net are both puns on the Internet, also known as the World Wide Web.

Axis: a Latin word which, loosely translated, means "direction", a reference to Axis being the nexus point of the Chromaicora. Shin's name is Japanese, and means "new".

"See you next time!" victory

Last edited by GamerZack7 on February 26th 2014, 11:48 pm; edited 4 times in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

December 31st 2013, 8:57 pm
Most people of the Chromaicora don't realise that other worlds exist beyond their own, and they believe that their realm is the only one. Those rare few individuals that do know of other realms are able to learn to travel between them, which is as simple and as complicated as opening a door to Axis and then finding a door to another world. It is also possible to open portals to neighbouring or opposite worlds, though this method is very difficult to accomplish. A portal is a transitional opening between realms, so it is effectively like a doorway to Axis, although it is powered by chromairo energy instead of being unlocked with magic.

"See you next time!" victory

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

January 7th 2014, 8:27 pm
Here's a poster of all the main characters. I'll fill in the blanks as I draw more artwork. Enjoy! Smile

The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings 9x53
(This picture needs updating. Stay tuned!)

"See you next time!" victory

Last edited by GamerZack7 on January 28th 2014, 3:41 am; edited 3 times in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

January 19th 2014, 2:39 am
I've added artwork for five of the major characters.
The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings N75iThe Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings PrakThe Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Myi5The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings D8lm
The main art of both Zeds who I revealed a while back in the Crystals of Silveria hub are included; you'll notice that Alph, who was previously known as "Cromian Zed", now has dark hair to help distinguish him from Zed Starmute. In addition, I have added artwork of Drey, a character from my current world-building project, and Tessa, the first female major character I drew. I have another 17* characters to draw yet, so keep an eye out for those.

"See you next time!" victory

*I'm questioning whether or not to include Shin, a very mysterious character

Last edited by GamerZack7 on January 28th 2014, 3:42 am; edited 3 times in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

January 20th 2014, 6:41 am
I've created art for Web and Net, the twin siblings of Lanovus.
The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings VcnrThe Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Yxgc
That's Web on the left and Net on the right.

Webster was kidnapped by some thugs who forced him into Midakaoi Online's LockDown mode just so they could earn some quick in-game cash to spend; this had a negative impact as it separated him from his sister Nanette, the only person in the world he could clearly remember. After some searching, Net found out what had happened to Web, and, along with the aid of her three new friends, she created an account on Midakaoi Online in order to help her brother so he could be free from LockDown.

"See you next time!" victory

Last edited by GamerZack7 on January 28th 2014, 3:45 am; edited 1 time in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

January 23rd 2014, 3:28 am
I have just completed the bios of Nina (formerly known as Sandy) and Sky. If you like, you may read about the main characters in post #5. Bios of Mont and the ironically-named Beige still to come! Stay tuned!

"See you next time!" victory 

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

March 31st 2014, 4:48 pm
It's been a while since my last update. Anyway, I've begun thinking of more possible ideas for worlds, so I've decided to expand the scope of the multiverse to include seven new worlds. Here are some examples of concepts I've begun to imagine:

-An industrial world in which dwarves are the backbone of the economy, being exceptional miners and factory technicians

-A world in which civilisation and nature are inverted, with a gigantic cityscape dotted with patches of wilderness

-A futuristic society in which marketing and media are at the top, and everybody is able to access a vast digital network

-A land high in the sky, where the Astral Beings and ascension are mostly considered to be a myth

-A world in which a number of cultures have made the jump into space, with colonies aboard space stations orbiting the main world, and adventures into the universe beyond

I ended up realising that Zokugemina and Feruyasei were very similar in concept, so I have combined some of each world's concepts into a single setting, one split by two extremes: conflict between humanoids and monsters; and harmony between humanoids and monsters. This would likely be represented by two worlds sharing a single orbit, neither of which knows of the others' existence.

Also, the concept I have worked out for Lanovus is good enough to make its own unique work of fiction. Keep an eye out for that sometime in future. Wink

More to come. Stay tuned! victory

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

April 1st 2014, 9:08 pm
Nice update. Smile

The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings 1210

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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

April 1st 2014, 10:04 pm
Thanks, Nepgear! Very Happy

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

April 21st 2014, 3:26 am
Well, I have begun working on some more settings, some of which may appear in the series I've been writing:

Yume-Honto is a Japanese-inspired realm with themes of tradition and progress. Even though the world is becoming more and more advanced both in terms of society and technology, most people stick to the ancient traditions and customs which defined their history. Spirits are present in the world, and can take many forms, from the raccoon-like Tanuki to the fox-like Kitsune. Three races unique to Yume-Honto are said to be descended from humans who were enchanted by three different spirits: the fun-loving Tanu-Otoko typically resemble cute human men with raccoon eye-markings and tails; the peaceful Kitsu-Onna typically resemble beautiful human women with fox-like ears and tails; and the wise Kappa-No-Ko typically resemble human children who exude wisdom beyond their years, and have a hard, yellow upper lip and a turtle-like shell on their back.

Hyakuopolis is a world dominated by civilisation, with much of the land covered in cityscape. Halflings enjoy their home more than most, and consider themselves the heirs of the world. Most of the civilised races have adapted to an urban environment, though adventurers often prefer to explore the pockets of wilderness and nature which are strewn throughout. Interestingly, druids and rangers have adapted fairly well to the cityscape, with druids in particular being unlike the run-of-the-mill Naturia-revering druids of other worlds; in place of Naturia is Metrosia, the metaphysical embodiment of civilisation.

Kumorirrus is a world in the clouds, with several large continents floating in an ocean of sky. The inhabitants of these realms must travel to others via airship, as it's obviously impossible to traverse the skies on foot. Some of the world's races have the ability to fly built into them, such as the Dracopteryx, Kumorirrus' native dragon-like race, who can sprout wings and glide short distances.

More to come. Stay tuned! victory

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

May 17th 2014, 5:31 pm
I've created all 24 worlds, giving them names and themes. More info to come! Smile

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

May 27th 2014, 12:03 am
Apparently, there will be a free PDF rulebook available called "Basic Dungeons & Dragons", which uses the brand-new 5th Edition rules; this means that I would like to run a D&D campaign right here on WiiWareWave using a prototype version of one of three different settings (Astrumium, Terra Neos or Tabitineris). There is a poll for anybody who's interested to vote for the setting which they would like to play, and the one which has the highest number of votes will be the setting which I begin developing first. Here's a sample of each world's theme:

Astrumium - a fantasy-themed world in which there is an abundance of a mystical metal known as "stellar alloy", which is infused in a lot of items, and is the main component of many wondrous artefacts.

Terra Neos - a world very much like Earth in many ways, it has an alternate dimension which is a land of swords and sorcery; a few humans from the Mundane Realm (the Earthlike dimension) gain the ability to "sightshift" between realms, shifting between the Mundane Realm and the Fantastic Realm.

Tabitineris - a space-themed setting which is a network of high-tech colonies, although society has grown complacent and semi-reverted to a previous level of development; most people don't understand how some technology works, preferring swords and magic to blasters and science.

If anybody is interested in this exciting adventure, be sure to let me know so I can begin preparing the campaign. Oh, and do vote in the poll if you have yet to do so. victory

Last edited by GamerZack7 on June 8th 2014, 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings Empty Re: The Multiverse: GamerZack7's Fantasy Settings

June 5th 2014, 11:04 pm
Webster and Nanette, the twin siblings who I'd planned to star in Lanovus' storyline, are now getting their own setting each, as well as a completely-new look! One of them will remain the lead of the Lanovus storyline, while the other will be the main character of the plot for Yume-Honto, meaning that a crossover (or two) between both series would be possible!

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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