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Dusk Before Death [Clan] Empty Dusk Before Death [Clan]

July 24th 2014, 7:52 pm
I'm already beginning to recruit any WiiWareWave members who have the interest and skills needed to live up to the expectations of my clan. If you believe that you meet the standard for this clan, then simply register in the comments section below. We'll see if you have what it takes to join the "Dusk Before Death" clan, when "Modern Warfare: Advanced Warfare" is released.

Last edited by SunDown on July 24th 2014, 10:46 pm; edited 2 times in total

Dusk Before Death [Clan] Empty Re: Dusk Before Death [Clan]

July 24th 2014, 8:09 pm
I will certainly be re-acquiring my original codename from MW3. Which has been stolen by countless Modern Warfare posers. Yes, I am the original SunDown from Modern Warefare 3. It's really sad how so many people don't have an imagination of their own. It also shows the lack of integrity that these posers have. That type of poser mentality really shows a very serious lack of intelligence on their part. In all honesty, I feel very sad for all of you wannabe gamers who have tried to boast yourselves upon my achievement's and have tried to rob me of my status.

Dusk Before Death [Clan] Empty Re: Dusk Before Death [Clan]

July 25th 2014, 10:50 am
If you are going to hold any Mario Kart 8 tournaments for your clan as well I would love to join you! I love you
If it's just for violent games then count me out. Crying or Very sad
Golden Freiza
Golden Freiza

Dusk Before Death [Clan] Empty Re: Dusk Before Death [Clan]

July 25th 2014, 10:55 am
I'm game! Do you play Modern Warfare 3 for the Wii still? I'm Mechafrieza there and the servers are still open so we can play that this weekend if you would like. The cheaters have all but vanished from the servers and though there aren't many players online anymore it's much more enjoyable without those infuriating hackers. Dusk Before Death [Clan] 3578130651

Dusk Before Death [Clan] Empty Re: Dusk Before Death [Clan]

July 25th 2014, 11:26 am
@Kushina, I will create a subforum for Mario Kart 8 tournaments in the future, but as of now, the website is in it's most primitive state. I need help from someone like Rukiafan to format and customize the website. I'll send you and MechaFreiza a link to the website in a PM, but please only register. I first need to format and customize the website, before any topics can be created.

@MechaFreiza, I'm sorry, but I no longer own MW3. I traded it in, after the hackers destroyed my account. Then TriArc screwed up the servers with a patch, and I encountered way too much B.S. trying to enter a lobby and team up with my friend's.
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