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Star Soldier R (WWW Masters) Empty Star Soldier R (WWW Masters)

October 4th 2011, 1:30 am
Games like Star Soldier R require a massive amount of skill and doing well is a true feat!
So I'm making this topic so we can discuss our strategies and our current high score and rank!

I've just started so I'm not doing so good yet Sad
My current high score in 5 minute mode is only 585,500 and my rank is over 20,000 Prinny

My National Video Game Competition stats
1521 wins
1485 losses
69 ties
Best game series Halo
429 wins
68 losses
Worst game series Naruto game
73 wins
300 losses
Total competitions 4
Best finish 2nd out of 1908 people
Worst finish
1785th out of 1798 people

Star Soldier R (WWW Masters) Empty Re: Star Soldier R (WWW Masters)

October 4th 2011, 11:52 am
Clear waves of enemies as quickly as you can so new waves can spawn!
I have a score of 1,725,000 which is the 2285th highest score worldwide and the 73rd highest in the northeastern United States Cool

Demonic Yoshi will eat you alive. p:

Star Soldier R (WWW Masters) Empty Re: Star Soldier R (WWW Masters)

October 4th 2011, 1:49 pm
I have a score of 1,997,600 and my rank is 376th worldwide and 2nd in my region king
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