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Search found 1 match for Release

by KeAfan7
on September 12th 2020, 5:12 pm
Search in: Latest Nintendo News
Topic: Nintendo News: Kholat Has Received A Limited Physical Release On The Nintendo Switch!
Replies: 6
Views: 1745

Nintendo News: Kholat Has Received A Limited Physical Release On The Nintendo Switch!


Physical Kholat!


Topics tagged under release on  2020-010

Red Art Games has announced that online pre-orders for the physical boxed version of Kholat on Nintendo Switch are available now, with a limited edition of 3800 copies with a price of €29.99/£27/$35.

Billed as the most terrifying journey of your life, Nintendo gamers can experience this epic adventure game, which was created by Polish indie developer IMGN.PRO and narrated by famous British actor Sean Bean.

Kholat was previously released on PC /PS4 /XB1, where it sold over 700,000 units across those three platforms and accumulated over 3.5M users, becoming one of the most popular indie horror games. Kholat is an exploration adventure game with elements of horror inspired by the event known as Dyatlov Pass Incident. The player will plunge directly into the boundless scenery of the inhospitable Ural Mountains with the task of finding out what really happened. Controlling the main character you trace the steps of a group of nine Russian college students who went missing in February 1959 on Kholat Syakhl.

Kholat is told through a first-person horror adventure framework and presents an atmospheric storyline of intrigue and mystery. With standard survival equipment including map, compass and flashlight, the player must balance their health and well being with the challenges that unfold. A sense of unease will wash over the player as periods of time pass, the cold winds and wintery conditions that prevail as you move from location to location. Limited information in the form of notes and cryptic voiceover as the player journeys through the world add to the experience of feeling lost as ghostly figures roam looking for their prey!

Shrine Shot

Topics tagged under release on  2020-011


· Narrated by Sean Bean

· immersive exploration experience

· Chilling atmosphere and tension

· Self made story inspired by true events

· Non-linear open world

· Challenging exploration

· In-game navigation by map and compass

You can pre-order the game here.

What do you think of this news? Be sure to leave us a comment below!


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