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Megaman Legends (n64) questions Empty Megaman Legends (n64) questions

July 24th 2011, 1:05 pm
Is megaman legends for the nintendo 64 a good game like I've heard,also how does the gameplay differ from the original megaman and megaman x series Question

Megaman Legends (n64) questions Empty Re: Megaman Legends (n64) questions

July 24th 2011, 1:17 pm
For me, the game is pretty good and the gameplay is VERY different from the other megaman games since it's a sandbox game, meaning you can go anywhere, and the whole game basically focuses on a plot rather than the whole "defeat boss, receive powerup" found in the original megaman games.

However the controls are the most controversial thing, since a lot of people think thst they are bad but for a lot of people they think of the same but then they say that later on they got used to them.

So it depends on you really but as for me, as I've said the game was pretty good.

If you only have these two choices, which one will you choose ? to have a game with no story ? or to have a game with the most ridiculous, boring, cliché-filled and horrible story ever ?
Do games need to be epic ?... or fun ?...
Wii #: 0018 2269 1524 9019 (codename Jnes)
Also on PSN ! PSN: jnesDX

Megaman Legends (n64) questions Empty Re: Megaman Legends (n64) questions

July 24th 2011, 2:50 pm
It's a great game really,my only gripe are the controls which aren't too bad imho Wink
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