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[---------------Game------------------]    [----Score----]
[ 2 Fast 4 Gnomz ] [ 8/10 ]
[ Airport Mania: First Flight ] [ 9.5/10 ]
Arkanoid Plus ] [ 8.1/10 ]
Aya And The Cubes of Light ] [ 7/10 ]
[ Bit-Trip Fate ]  [ 8/10 ]
[ Bit-Trip Runner ]  [ 8/10 ]
Blaster Master: Overdrive ]  [ 10/10 ]
[ Bobby Carrot Forever ]  [ 8.5/10 ]
[ Bomberman Blast ]  [ 8.5/10 ]
[ Bubble Bobble Plus ]  [ 9/10 ]
[ Bust A Move Plus ]  [ 9.5/10 ]
[ Castlevania Rebirth ]  [ 8.9/10 ]
[ Cave Story ]  [ 9.6/10 ]
[ Coqui: The Game ]  [ 2/10 ]
[ Deer Drive: Legends ]  [ 6/10 ]
[ Dr. Mario Online RX ]  [ 8/10 ]
[ Drop Zone: Under Fire [ 4/10 ]
[ EscapeVektor ]  [ 10/10 ]
[ FAST Racing League ]  [ 10/10 ]
[ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As King ]  [ 8/10 ]
[ Final Fantasy IV: The After Years ]  [ 7/10 ]
[ Fireplacing ]  [ 1/10 ]
[ Fish 'Em All ]  [ 4.5/10 ]
[ Fluidity ]  [ 8.5/10 ]
[ Frogger: Hyper Edition ]  [ 8/10 ]
[ Gnomz ]  [ 6.8/10 ]
[ Gyrostarr ]  [ 9.6/10 ]
[ Horizon Riders ]  [ 8.7/10 ]
[ Jellycar 2 ]  [ 5/10 ]
[ Jett Rocket ]  [ 9/10 ]
[ Kyotokei ]  [ 8/10 ]
[ La-Mulana ]  [ 10/10 ]
[ LIT ]  [ 8/10 ]
[ Megaman 10 ]  [ 10/10 ]
[ Pearl Harbour Trilogy 1941: Red Sun Rising ]  [ 8.6/10 ]
[ Planet Fish ]  [ 5.5/10 ]
[ Pokemon Rumble ]  [ 9/10 ]
[ Pop ]  [ 7.5/10 ]
[ Rage of The Gladiator ]  [ 9.5/10 ]
[ Soccer Up ]  [ 7.5/10 ]
[ Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I ]  [ 7/10 ]
[ Star Soldier R ]  [ 7.5/10 ]
[ Tetris Party ]  [ 10/10 ]
[ Toki Tori ]  [ 9.5/10 ]
[ Urbanix ]  [ 6.8/10 ]

Last edited by Towafan7 on March 20th 2019, 3:52 pm; edited 50 times in total

WiiWare Reviews Hub Rukiafan7

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WiiWare Reviews Hub Rukiafan7

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October 1st 2018, 9:03 pmKeAfan7
I added games 00-BH to the list.
October 22nd 2018, 2:40 pmKeAfan7
Aya And The Cubes of Light and BI-CAS have been added. Wink
November 4th 2018, 1:47 pmKeAfan7
CAV-FIN have been added to the list.
December 2nd 2018, 12:54 pmKeAfan7
FIR-LAM have been added. Wink
December 2nd 2018, 8:49 pmKeAfan7
LIT-RUS have been added! Wink
March 20th 2019, 12:06 pmKeAfan7
The hub is now completely up-to-date! Wink
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