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Our New Name Has Been Decided!


WiiWareWave News: Our Website Will Become TheGamerResort Near The End of October. Header10

Earlier this month we asked you, our loyal members what you wanted us to name our website now that we've become an all-encompassing video games press website and a good deal of you voted for TheGamerResort. We then sent a newsletter poll to the members who didn't participate in the preliminaries and out of 225 votes 198 were in favor of renaming WiiWareWave, TheGamerResort! So we've heard your opinions and have decided to go with TheGamerResort as our new community name! So in less than a month "we'll let you know the exact day at least two weeks in advance", our new domain will be http://www.TheGamerResort.com

@GeekyGamerZack @KingreX32 We need a banner ready within the next 10-15 days and if you can't get access to a laptop even a simple temporary banner created and uploaded from your mobile device would be a good short-term solution!

Anyways what do you think of our new name and domain going into the future? Do you think it will help us grab a larger group of followers? Do you personally know anyone who might be tempted to join us with our new general gaming mantra and domain? As always be sure to let us know in our comment section below!


#WiiWareWaveNews #SiteNews #SiteUpdate #TheGamerResort #NewDomain #Nintendo #Sony #MS #Gaming


WiiWareWave News: Our Website Will Become TheGamerResort Near The End of October. Rukiafan7

WiiWareWave News: Our Website Will Become TheGamerResort Near The End of October. 19654

WiiWareWave News: Our Website Will Become TheGamerResort Near The End of October. 87457210

WiiWareWave News: Our Website Will Become TheGamerResort Near The End of October. Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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It's awesome that so many people like TheGamerResort as the website name! I should feel honoured. And as for the banner, I'll see if I can throw one together, otherwise I'm happy to let @KingreX32 take the reins if he likes. victory
My minions and I shall leave our mark on the new site. Mwahaha! Twisted Evil
Nice suggestion @GeekyGamerZack! Very Happy
I love TheGamerResort. Very zen. Smile
@Staroceancrazy @GeekyGamerZack I second that! It was a brilliant suggestion. Wink
Thanks, @Reanfan! I feel that, since most of you chose the name I suggested, it's only fair that someone else has a chance to contribute to the redesign as well. It isn't called TheGamerZACKResort, after all! Wink
@GeekyGamerZack, about that @KingreX32 isn't available to do that, actually none of our other staff members are, so it's either you or we continue using a WiiWareWave banner on TheGamerResort which would just be silly. Razz
Reanfan wrote:@GeekyGamerZack, about that @KingreX32 isn't available to do that, actually none of our other staff members are, so it's either you or we continue using a WiiWareWave banner on TheGamerResort which would just be silly. Razz
If that's the case then you have to make a banner @GeekyGamerZack a WiiWareWave banner on the new site would look dumb. Sad
@GeekyGamerZack It's as our boss and @Kain said. Andross has seized control of the WiiWareWave system and you're our only hope please help StarZack. Smile
@Clαππαd Nice Star Fox reference. @GeekyGamerZack all that matters is that it looks nice none of us mind if you take all the glory as long as it turns out good in the end. =)
I'm looking forward to the rebirth of this website. Hopefully it'll bring new members on board!
@Zatchbell Indeed that would be sweet!
I think that WiiWareWave has been really active lately especially after @Reanfan publishes new reviews and news articles. I think that if there were more reviewers and news publishers on this website it would be a force to be reckoned with.
I like the new name that has been chosen for the website!
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