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Attention bro2dragons Plagiarism Found Empty Attention bro2dragons Plagiarism Found

April 30th 2015, 11:02 am
Someone on a Japanese website that I visit published your Mario Party 10 review word for word in Japanese today. Should I report them to the website's owner?

Attention bro2dragons Plagiarism Found Pbucket

Attention bro2dragons Plagiarism Found Pbucket

Attention bro2dragons Plagiarism Found Pbucket

Attention bro2dragons Plagiarism Found Empty Re: Attention bro2dragons Plagiarism Found

April 30th 2015, 11:13 am
Thanks for being on the lookout! You probably should send a message. Normally, I'd be concerned about losing hits on WiiWareWave from stuff that's originally our content, but if it's in Japanese (or on a Japanese site) the audience overlap is probably minimal. That said, as a courtesy, the owner of the other site should be made aware, if he isn't already. It may be an aggregation site and the review was taken on purpose, but if it isn't, as a former editor myself, I'd want to know if my staff was plagiarizing. I fired someone once for that very reason, so I know it's not something to play around with.

But I can't say I'm mad. I'm actually kinda flattered.

Attention bro2dragons Plagiarism Found D690b18e0eeee6e632f5e005a4347b86

Can you post the link?
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