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Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available! Empty Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available!

March 15th 2015, 2:18 pm
Hello! Our community has become somewhat lacking as of late because a couple of our staff members have passed away and many others have become very inactive due to personal reasons. I will explain the open positions as well as benefits and downsides to them and what to do to apply for the positions!

First of all we need a more steady stream of content so we need four new news anchors. preferably two from the North America and two from either Europe or Australia/New Zealand. Individuals in this group generally need to post at least 3-4 news stories a week minimum. With the content being all-original. Copy/pasting entire articles from other sites will not be tolerated.

We also need four new reviewers preferably from various regions. We're currently looking for reviewers who can publish at least 1 review per week for any current gen or last gen Nintendo consoles/handhelds. We expect original content. Copying/pasting other site's content is definitely a no-no. As a perk you will receive download codes for current gen Nintendo systems to review from time-to-time!

We also need two new feature writers to publish exclusive features such as top 5 articles, and other sorts of original content! No plagiarism will be tolerated. We'd like to see the new recruits publish 1-2 features a week!

We also need two Jr. Moderators who are essentially normal members that report posts that break forum rules. One of these recruits will likely be upgraded to moderator after a few month trial period! Users in this group need to be active on our forums and be able to spend at least one to two hours a day reading through our posts!

If you're interested please let us know by replying to this thread! If it's for a news/feature/review position show us an example of what you can bring to the table! I look forward to working with all of you future WiiWareWave crew members that are out there!

Regards: B.Roper. (Owner of WiiWareWave).

Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available! Rukiafan7

Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available! 19654

Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available! 87457210

Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available! Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available! Empty Re: Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available!

April 16th 2015, 6:13 pm
Two reviewer positions are on the verge of being filled, however that's not enough we are actually in much bigger need of news and features writers. If anyone is interested in the positions even if you're not officially a member yet feel free to contact us! On our footer we have a link to our contact form so feel free to reach out to us there!

Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available! Rukiafan7

Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available! 19654

Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available! 87457210

Calling All Members! 12 Staff Positions Are Available! Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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