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Text Editor Has Gone Super!

WiiWareWave Update: WiiWareWave Has Upgraded To V.6.4! Header10

Today we have upgraded our forum's extended text editor "must select the post reply button". The upgrade saves your text that you've written on the extended editor for 15 minutes allowing you to double check your game and then return to the Wii U or 3DS browser without having to start the post all over again! This won't work on the quick reply box and if you refresh or change the page on your internet browser your text will not be saved.

Also you might want to regularly clear out your cookies if you don't want to take a chance of experiencing cache issues causing your text to be lost.

We hope you enjoy this new feature! Let us know what you think in our comments below!

WiiWareWave Update: WiiWareWave Has Upgraded To V.6.4! Rukiafan7

WiiWareWave Update: WiiWareWave Has Upgraded To V.6.4! 19654

WiiWareWave Update: WiiWareWave Has Upgraded To V.6.4! 87457210

WiiWareWave Update: WiiWareWave Has Upgraded To V.6.4! Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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February 19th 2015, 12:43 pmStaroceancrazy
Thanks for the update Exclamation
February 20th 2015, 6:21 amRyanNerdyGamer
New update, new WiiWareWave. Wink
Staroceancrazy wrote:Thanks for the update Exclamation

GamerZack87 wrote:New update, new WiiWareWave. Wink
I'm glad that you like the latest site update. Wink
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