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Site Aesthetic Improvements

Biorn the Viking
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Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 4th 2013, 4:41 pm
Hello everyone,

I have temporarily taken on the role of redesigning the site to give it a more appealing look that will hopefully be more welcoming to newcomers and current members alike. I think we can all agree that the current look is a bit on the overwhelming side, especially with the background. I will leave the colour scheme of the site as it is: Ocean blue. I think that sits really well with everything else. I might invest some time into recreating some of the material so we can use them during special times of the year such as summer, spring, autumn, winter, halloween, easter, christmas, new years, and so on.

Below is the order in which I will work on stuff.

1: Navigation buttons. [Done]
2: Forum icons.
3: Affiliate icons.
4: Site banner.
5: Site background.
6: Recreating different sets for special events.
-6i: Seasons (autumn, spring, summer, winter)
-6ii: Events (halloween, easter, christmas, new years)

I will update these as I complete them. In the meantime, I need ideas on the banner and background. What would you like in the banner/background? Feel free to say whatever you want. (I will not be posting samples)

Also, if you experience any problems with the banner, buttons, icons or any other image, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 4th 2013, 5:24 pm
i look forward to it dude.

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Site Aesthetic Improvements Captaincanucksigcopy

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 4th 2013, 5:41 pm
Will the Inbox icon change in appearance when we have an unread message?

Here's an idea Biorn, you could use an image of the letterbox from Paper Mario as the Inbox icon. Very Happy

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Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 4th 2013, 6:22 pm
The inbox icon is similar to the previous. Once you receive a PM it will glow yellow.

I actually had the idea of using the letterbox from Paper Mario, but couldn't find a clean enough copy to use. Sad

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 4th 2013, 6:25 pm
I realize the improvements are far from over but I must say the new icons are ravishing.

As for the background, simplicity might work better than another image (especially considering the varying screen sizes of users). A single tone color that matches the blue or a slightly fancier patterned color would be my personal choice.

Site Aesthetic Improvements 2q1w11s
Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 4th 2013, 6:36 pm
I'm glad to hear you liked the icons.

I agree with you on simplicity for the background. I didn't think the board would stretch on different screen sized displays because I always use the same screen dimension. I guess I was wrong.

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.
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Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 4th 2013, 7:06 pm
@Marth: I agree.

Site Aesthetic Improvements Rukiafan7

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Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 4th 2013, 9:40 pm
the new icon are great.

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Site Aesthetic Improvements Captaincanucksigcopy
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Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 4th 2013, 11:03 pm
I'll let Zack create our classic background available from March 16th-April 16th "except easter week" which will be in celebration of us reaching a new year anniversary of our website, but I'd love it if you create the season backgrounds and holiday backgrounds and everything else you listed. Wink

Site Aesthetic Improvements Rukiafan7

Site Aesthetic Improvements 19654

Site Aesthetic Improvements 87457210

Site Aesthetic Improvements Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 4th 2013, 11:57 pm
The new buttons are Beautiful! I love you
Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 5th 2013, 11:13 am
@Rukia: Will Zack also be creating the current background?

@[url=https://www.wiiwarewave.com/profile.forum?mode=viewprofile&u=Kushina: Thanks! ]Kushina: Thanks! [/url]Very Happy

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.
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Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 5th 2013, 4:23 pm
Nope his will be the background celebrating our yearly anniversary of the creation of our website. Wink

Site Aesthetic Improvements Rukiafan7

Site Aesthetic Improvements 19654

Site Aesthetic Improvements 87457210

Site Aesthetic Improvements Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 5th 2013, 4:28 pm
The new buttons are amazing. victory

Lets a go!

Site Aesthetic Improvements Pbucket
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Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 5th 2013, 5:45 pm
They look nice. =)

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Dark Pit: I dunno because I don't like you.
Link: Now Now don't be that way clones can get along just ask Dark Link!
Dark Link: No I hate you too $#!%&$!

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 6th 2013, 11:44 am
Rukiafan wrote:Nope his will be the background celebrating our yearly anniversary of the creation of our website. Wink

what does he have planned for the anniversary back ground?

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Site Aesthetic Improvements Captaincanucksigcopy
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Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 8th 2013, 1:12 pm
Could you please work on the background and the banner next? I can't wait to see what you cook up. king

Site Aesthetic Improvements Rukiafan7

Site Aesthetic Improvements 19654

Site Aesthetic Improvements 87457210

Site Aesthetic Improvements Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 8th 2013, 2:21 pm
Sorry for the delay. I've been very busy with work and other stuff getting in the way. I was hoping to take care of the small stuff before I move onto the bigger stuff. I'll see how it goes. Will start producing something tomorrow.

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.
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Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 8th 2013, 2:40 pm
Thanks Ultanium! Wink

Site Aesthetic Improvements Rukiafan7

Site Aesthetic Improvements 19654

Site Aesthetic Improvements 87457210

Site Aesthetic Improvements Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Site Aesthetic Improvements Empty Re: Site Aesthetic Improvements

January 9th 2013, 9:05 am
No worries, Rukia.

Looks like I have to fix the ads as well. The current images are really oversized. Sad

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.
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