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How I’m feeling right now…Today at 8:34 amKeAfan7Ryan’s Art Therapy (01/2025): Gym Leader Ryan (HeroForge)January 14th 2025, 5:29 pmRyanNerdyGamerNew Game +January 14th 2025, 12:05 pmKokorOtakuYour Next Video Game Purchase(s)!?January 14th 2025, 11:13 amKeAfan7Review: Sonic Mania Plus (PS4 Retail)January 13th 2025, 12:46 pmFie Claussell
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Biorn the Viking
Capcom's MMORPG Monster Hunster Frontier has been out for some time for both Xbox and PC over in Japan. Capcom has announced they are looking positively in bringing an updated version to other platforms.

Monster Hunter Frontier Possibly WiiU-bound Monster_hunter_frontier

"This week's Famitsu has a report on Monster
Hunter Frontier G, the Frontier update that was
announced late last week. According to Sinobi,
who gets Famitsu in advance, the magazine has
word that Capcom is looking positively at the
possibility of bringing the game to other
platforms as well."

Check out the full article click here

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.
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September 5th 2012, 11:15 amKokorOtaku
That's good to hear it'll be on a system that'll actually sell in Japan Very Happy IDK if WiiU will be a 10 million seller system, but I'm sure it'll surpass the barly over a million 360's
September 5th 2012, 11:55 amChickgoboom
I hope this will be localized in NA Neutral
September 5th 2012, 1:20 pmKingreX32
I look forward to this.Monster hunter tri was a lot morefun than i was expecting.
September 5th 2012, 4:45 pmNINTENBRO
I hope Brian a.k.a. Rukiafan will be able to access a WiFi connection with his 3DS, by the time Monster Hunter 4 is released.
Rena Ryuugu Fanboy
September 6th 2012, 12:27 amRena Ryuugu Fanboy
If this gets a confirmed North American release I will have to buy a WiiU even if the price hasn't dropped by the time this game is released.
September 6th 2012, 9:51 amKingreX32
indeed. I cant wait to see how the game looks.
September 6th 2012, 11:23 amZezHylia
I want this game now! D:
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