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This helpful member has earned 25,000 WiiWareWave Coins!

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April 1st 2012, 11:59 am
Why does the description of the site say "We review Sony hardware and games"? Prinny

Pit: Why do we have to fight?
Dark Pit: I dunno because I don't like you.
Link: Now Now don't be that way clones can get along just ask Dark Link!
Dark Link: No I hate you too $#!%&$!
Super Coinage!
This helpful member has earned 25,000 WiiWareWave Coins!

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April 1st 2012, 12:47 pm
lol a WiiWareWave April Fools joke Very Happy

"If you want to understand, words are never a problem."
Rena Lanford, Star Ocean: The Second Story

Banner error! Star_o10
Super Coinage!
This helpful member has earned 25,000 WiiWareWave Coins!

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April 1st 2012, 1:27 pm
April Fools Smile

 photo -2aR7jeVlapQ8T2teqnjwjJaYQo_zpscf21dd89.gif

Fighting evil by moonlight.
Winning love by daylight.
Never running from a real fight.
she is the one named sailor moon!

From the Sailor Moon opening song.

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April 1st 2012, 1:34 pm

Huge Prinny fan.
Wii friend code (4897-0912-9121-1999)
Prinny Dood.
Prinnies Forever!
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