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Adding a Roleplay section to the forum Empty Adding a Roleplay section to the forum

October 27th 2011, 6:49 pm
What do you all think about having a rp section here? I always wished there was one because i am just so into roleplaying! What are your thoughts on this suggestion? Cool

Adding a Roleplay section to the forum Kero_s10

Adding a Roleplay section to the forum Empty Re: Adding a Roleplay section to the forum

October 27th 2011, 6:53 pm
Not really interested, besides that can be done on the everything else forum.

It was a night like this 40 million years ago..........I.....I walk the dinosaur I walk the dinosaur...........Open the door get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaurs!!!....
Song from the Super Mario Bros. movie!

Adding a Roleplay section to the forum Empty Re: Adding a Roleplay section to the forum

October 27th 2011, 6:54 pm
Smart idea. I was over powered.

Thread locked.

Adding a Roleplay section to the forum Kero_s10
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