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Sakura chan
Sakura chan

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... Empty Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited...

October 27th 2011, 1:04 pm
I think WiiWareWave should have a separate review section that way the site looks less cluttered. Smile

Bleach 2004-2012.
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden 2004-????
One Piece 2003-????

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... Empty Re: Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited...

October 27th 2011, 2:08 pm
I agree that would take this site to the next level. Very Happy

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October 27th 2011, 2:16 pm
@Sakura chan @Chocobo977 I agree. A more organised website would likely boost the amount of visitors who join as members.

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October 27th 2011, 2:46 pm
Looks like others agree. I will process your request to the boss man. Wink

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... Kero_s10

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... Empty Re: Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited...

October 27th 2011, 2:48 pm
I don't mind as long as the staff adds a related topics suggestions at the bottom of each Review. Very Happy

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... Shrek_10

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... 4679814

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October 27th 2011, 2:50 pm
Request processed.

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... Kero_s10
Super Coinage!
This helpful member has earned 25,000 WiiWareWave Coins!

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... Empty Re: Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited...

October 27th 2011, 2:53 pm
I agree! A separate review section would be a much appreciated feature Very Happy

"If you want to understand, words are never a problem."
Rena Lanford, Star Ocean: The Second Story

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... Star_o10

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... Empty Re: Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited...

October 30th 2011, 12:50 pm
Looks like they are going to do this!

Topic Locked.

Now that you have a forum that can be fully edited... Kero_s10
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