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  • Topics
  • 20180323


    Mechanical Madness!


    3DS eShop Reviews MK-story

    Developed by Hit-Point and published by KEMCO, Machine Knight is a traditional style JRPG that doesn't revolutionize the genre, but is still a solid RPG nonetheless. Continue reading our review to find out why we think the game is worth checking out:

    3DS eShop Reviews MK-battle
  • 20180117


    Soaring High!


    3DS eShop Reviews Bonds-of-skies-image

    Developed by Hit-Point and published by KEMCO, Bonds
    of the Skies is a fantastic budget JRPG that will keep fans of the genre entertained for many hours! Is this KEMCO's best game yet? Nope, but it's still a blast to play and here's why:

    3DS eShop Reviews Bonds-of-skies-image-2

    Bonds of The...
  • 20161005
    Wii U eShop Review & 3DS eShop Review


    MP2 Games / Konjak

    3DS eShop Reviews WiiUDS_NoituLoveDevolution_01_mediaplayer_large

    Genre: 2D Arcade-Action (Beat'em Up...
  • 20160727


    Infinitely Solid!


    3DS eShop Reviews 300x10

    We're huge JRPG buffs here at WiiWareWave so we always jump at the opportunity to review a new JRPG! Kemco are perhaps best known for being prolific contributors of the genre, especially on the 3DS eShop so it shouldn't...
  • 20160426


    Defend My Witch!


    3DS eShop Reviews 300x22

    Developed by Flyhigh Works and published by Circle Entertainment, Witch & Hero II is a fantastic tower defense / roleplaying game that is great fun in small doses, but is it fun enough to keep you coming back for more?...
  • 20160415


    Solid Justice!


    3DS eShop Reviews N3ds_j10

    Developed by Hit-Point Co. and published by Kemco Games, Justice Chronicles is a fairly unique JRPG that will likely entertain you for many hours, but how does it fare to the classics in the genre, such as Final Fantasy,...
  • 20160404


    Borderlining Spoiled...


    3DS eShop Reviews 300x19

    Developed and published by Nnooo Studios, Blast 'Em Bunnies is an arcade shooter that can be fun in short bursts, however a lack of content, wonky controls, and repetitive gameplay hold the title back from true...
  • 20160323


    Atmospheric Bloody Adventure!


    3DS eShop Reviews 300x15

    Developed by Mebius and published by Rising Star Games, Sadame is an action-packed RPG which feels somewhat similar to classics such as the Mana series, but with a much darker story! Does Sadame live up to...
  • 20160228


    A Bewitching Adventure!


    3DS eShop Reviews 300x10

    Developed by Inside System and published by CIRCLE Entertainment, The Legend of The Dark Witch is a Megaman-style action-platformer that faithfully recreates the intense action and enjoyable gameplay formula of...
  • 20160228


    Solid Energi!


    3DS eShop Reviews 299110

    Developed by ExeCreates and published by Kemco, Alphadia is the first title in the fairly popular Alphadia series which up until now has mostly been released on mobile devices with the exception of Alphadia Genesis which...
  • 20160212


    My Drone, Not Feeling It...


    3DS eShop Reviews 300x10

    Developed and published by Enjoy Up Games, RV-7 My Drone is an action game that has you control a drone and try to complete certain tasks without being sent to the scrapyard, but is this game any fun? We have...
  • 20160131


    Diving Into Madness!


    3DS eShop Reviews Medium13

    The Delusions of Von Sottendorff and his Square Mind is by far one of the most bizarre 3DS eShop titles that we've ever reviewed. It's also an incredibly unique experience, but is that all there is to the game?...
  • 20160124


    Model Train Simulation At Its Finest!


    3DS eShop Reviews Medium10

    Developed and published by Big John Games, Lionel City Builder 3D: Rise of the Rails is easily the best locomotive simulation title released on the 3DS eShop to date and here's why!

  • 20151103
    Dungeon Crawling, And Crawling...

    3DS eShop Reviews 210

    Developed by Mechanic Arms and published by Bergsala Lightweight Excave II: Wizard of the Underworld is a dungeon crawler at heart with heavy emphasis on your equipment! Unlike most RPG's characters don't level up, instead your stats are "almost" solely based on your equipment which adds an entirely new level of strategy when deciding to take on the...
  • 20151020
    Aerial Combat!

    3DS eShop Reviews Large_10

    Published by Teyon and developed by Amzy Iron Combat: War in the Air is a promising shooter that is both challenging and enjoyable, but is it worth its cost? Continue reading our review to find out!

    The story of Iron Combat: War in the Air is pretty good and the gameplay feels a bit like Starfox just with a female humanoid robot instead of an Arwing as...
  • 20151012
    Super Bloo Bros. Vs The Blue Blur: Right Back At Ya!

    3DS eShop Reviews Bloo-k11

    Developed and published by Winterworks Bloo Kid 2 is a top-notch platformer that is both unoriginal and blatantly plagiarizes other platformers, but does the game's positives outweigh these issues? We think so and here's why...

    The gameplay is incredibly enjoyable as you will quickly find out the game uses mechanics...
  • 20151007
    Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria review (3DS eShop)
    GamergyComments: 15Views: 2373
    A charming set of adventures

    3DS eShop Reviews Maxresdefault

    Back in my shovel knight review over a year ago I mentioned how there are a lot of retro-styled games being made today by indies, and that you’re going to run into some garbage and some true gems. I think Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria is another one of the gems on the 3DS eShop.

    I was surprised how well the title screen alone looked with pixel art, so I knew immediately I was going...
  • 20151005
    A Solid Cooking Adventure!

    3DS eShop Reviews Medium

    Developed by Rideon Japan and published by Circle Entertainment, Adventure Bar Story is a somewhat simple, yet enjoyable RPG that has a decidedly retro feel! But is it a true gem or just a time-waster? Keep reading to find out!

    The gameplay is simple, but at the same time it's fairly unique. You take the role of Siela a young girl who's late-parents bar is being driven out of business by a popular restaurant owner who wants...
  • 20150914
    Mighty Good!

    3DS eShop Reviews Medium

    Developed and published by the former Mega Man team Inti Creates, Mighty Gunvolt is a short, but sweet action-platformer with definite Mega Man inspirations! The game is fairly easy compared to most of Inti Creates works, but the game isn't bad by any means. The controls are simple and easy to learn so no complaints there. The game does, however lack in content unless you purchase the few locked stages via DLC. It...
  • 20150822
    More like Grindsia, am I right?

    3DS eShop Reviews 1_grinsia

    The greyification in modern gaming marked by big guns and small color pallets has led to many indie developers reaching into gaming’s past to diversify digital game shelves. To this effect, we’ve seen both the console and handheld marketplaces flooded with retro-styled pixel platformers and shoot-em-ups, and now Kemco, along with prolific 3DS eShop publisher Nicalis, has brought us a new ‘90s RPG...
  • 20150313
    TITAN ATTACKS! (Nintendo 3DS eShop)

    3DS eShop Reviews Medium11

    Published and created by Curve Digital.
    Original game by puppygames.

    PAL Version
    Price: 9,99€
    Release date: 26 February 2015
    Players: 1

    Review for wiiwarewave.com by SKTTR.


    Titan Attacks! is a modern Space Invaders with 100 stages,...
  • 20141123
    Talking Phrasebook (Sprechender Sprachführer)

    Nintendo 3DS eShop

    PAL Review by SKTTR.

    3DS eShop Reviews Medium10

    Talking Phrasebook is a simple and useful app that translates the most important sentences and words you need while travelling through West Europe.

    There are 7 languages you can translate to: English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian and Portuguese.
  • 20140912
    Thorium Wars: Attack of the Skyfighter review (3DS eShop)
    GamergyComments: 19Views: 5527
    Star Fox Command: lite version

    3DS eShop Reviews Cover_large

    There is no shortage of shooters in the video game market today. Most of them being war or space-themed, first person shooters; none of which I’ve been a huge fan of. However I’m always up for a spaceship-shooter or dogfight-like game, and Thorium Wars: Attack of the Skyfighter is one in that genre.

    Attack of the Skyfighter is a sequel to the DSiWare game,...
  • 20140806
    Strike Force Foxx review (3DS eShop)
    GamergyComments: 5Views: 1983
    Not very foxy

    Occasionally gamers may have a game that they have very mixed feelings about. Sometimes you love the gameplay, but hate the story. Sometimes you love the story but hate the gameplay. Then there are times that you’re just not sure how you feel about a game. These mixed and confused feelings are my feelings about Strike Force Foxx.

    3DS eShop Reviews Cover_large

    First off, the story is kind of boring. There’s a bad guy and...
  • 20140717
    Shovel Knight review (3DS eShop)
    GamergyComments: 19Views: 4120
    Can you dig it?

    8-bit styled games have been making a comeback recently; game developers who grew up with the NES want to pay homage to their favorite games they loved as a kid. If you saw the first episode of our new podcast, you’ll see that Yacht Club Games are one of these types of game developers.

    With more and more 8-bit games making a comeback, you are bound to run into some garbage. You’re also going to run into some true gems, and Shovel Knight is one of the true gems in this case.

    You play as the brave Shovel Knight, and you are...
  • 20140621
    Color Zen Kids (3DS eShop) Review written by SKTTR:

    3DS eShop Reviews Medium14

    Developed by Large Animal
    Published by Cypronia

    As the name suggests this is a kids version of the beautiful and unique puzzler Color Zen which was released just a few weeks ago on Wii U and 3DS.

    For those who don't know, Color Zen and Color Zen...
  • 20140523
    Turtle Tale review (3DS eShop)
    GamergyComments: 12Views: 3021
    Is this game not turtly enough for the 3DS?

    3DS eShop Reviews Turtle_Tale_header_nintendon

    We all know that mobile gaming on smartphones is big. Even though a lot of gamers hate mobile gaming, it still has a huge market. A majority of mobile games are only $0.99, which is good for the consumer, but in my opinion it has seriously killed the value of video games. While I could go on and on about this subject, I won’t.

    The 3DS is starting to see cheaper...
  • 20140519
    Underground Survival!

     photo 02cc7998-137c-4f7f-a5f5-dbb13508961d_zps62616e44.jpg

    Moon Chronicles is a first-person shooter developed by Renegade Kid, the masterminds behind the hit eshop title Mutant Mudds. Moon Chronicles is an episodic re-release of Renegade Kid's DS title Moon which...
  • 20140511
    The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves review (3DS eShop)
    GamergyComments: 35Views: 4920
    Another wave to ride

    3DS eShop Reviews Dm

    In 2012, while some people were preparing for the apocalypse, most gamers were enjoying another year of video games. During that year, the first game in a new series called “The Denpa Men” was released. This series had a very unique concept that made it stand out from any other game, and that is the way you recruit new characters known as Denpa Men. This unique way of recruiting Denpa men is that they reside in...
  • 20140225
    GamergyComments: 13Views: 2546
    Web game clone or serious upgrade?

    3DS eShop Reviews SteamWorld-Dig-Banner

    SteamWorld Dig is an interesting game. You play as a robot miner named Rusty, and you are looking for your missing uncle in a mine. Rusty runs across his uncle's corpse, and then your first goal is to mine some ore. The story and the objectives change as you progress through the game.

    You start out with just a pickaxe, but eventually you will unlock boots that you can run faster in, dynamite you can throw, and more....
  • 20130913
    Gone Fishin'

     photo 46_zpsd368126a.jpg

    Big Bass Arcade was a good arcade-style fishing title on the WiiWare service and now we have its sequel Big Bass Arcade: No Limit on the 3DS eshop, but how does it fare against its WiiWare predecessor? Let's find out!

  • 20130306
    3DS eShop Reviews ATV_Title
    © 2011, 2012, 2013 Renegade Kid

    Available Now in North America on the Nintendo 3DS eShop!
    Price Tag: $7.99
    Download Size: 421 Blocks

    ATV Wild Ride 3D is the latest Nintendo 3DS downloadable title from Renegade Kid. It’s a visual upgrade to their Nintendo DS retail release of the same name, minus the 3D. This title is pure arcade racer, removing the power drifts and floating items. ATV Wild Ride 3D is a similar experience to Excitebots: Trick Racing in...
  • 20130105
    3DS eShop Reviews GClogocopy_zps6f1fd8aa

    Gunman Clive

    Developer: Bertil Hörberg
    Publisher: Bertil Hörberg
    Price: $1.99 USD/£1.79  
    Release Dates: Jan. 3rd, 2013 (USA)
    Dec. 20th, 2012 (UK/EU)

    Bertil Hörberg has been a dedicated indie developer since mid 2011, and previously developed a game titled...
  • 20121230
    3DS eShop Reviews HxWl26P00m0OrBzFbCZyiy9OxqJswOR8
    © 2011, 2012 Nnooo

    Available now on the Nintendo 3DS (XL) eShop

    Publisher and Developer: Nnooo
    Players: 1 player (1 save file)
    Genre: Retro / Arcade
    Price: $9.99

    escapeVektor: Chapter 1 was the only chapter available on WiiWare last year and yet it’s considered to be among the best titles ever released on the service. The first...
  • 20121101
    3DS eShop Reviews 2fast4_baner_3d
    © 2012 QubicGames

    Developer: QubicGames
    Publisher: QubicGames

    NA release date: November 1, 2012

    # of Players: 1 player (1 save file that can't be deleted)
    Available on 3DS eShop: price tag $4.99
    Genre: runner platformer

    The King of Gnomz is in trouble. He needs a princess to marry to and hundreds of socks immediately. You should know how difficult it is to write a script for an auto-running platerformer. In 2 Fast...
  • 20121002
    © 2012 Endgame Studios Pty. Ltd.
    Thanks to Endgame Studios for providing a download code for this review
    Developer: Endgame Studios
    Publisher: Endgame Studios

    NA Release: September 13, 2012
    EU Release: TBA
    AUS Release: TBA

    # of players: single player
    Available for the Nintendo eShop: Price $11.99
    Genre: Platformer

    There's a reason why...
  • 20120920
    3DS eShop Reviews Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4WjIprKQtfNW1B4TQgNzyQ5le8w3Dkj5_RCda-Yso8Q2fsIvQ

    Price: $2.99
    Available Now through Nintendo eShop

    "Surf's Up!"

    Anyone familiar with the Pop Island games should be familiar with the cute little penguin featured in Rising Board 3D. However, what you're getting here isn't a frantic capture the flag or free for all battle royale experience. You're getting a high speed-score attack surfing game that is just pure fun. Of course, it doesn't mean the game...
  • 20120828
    3DS eShop Reviews Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSk5rhQ_FbmU1YisWvZYdAoxDi5UbJ_x_5FsUxTWFRQdaN5ZpTPdg
    Available only on the Nintendo eShop

    Developer: Sweet-Soft
    Publisher: ARC SUSTEM WORKS

    NA Release: August 23, 2012
    JP Release: August 10, 2011

    # of players: 1 – 2 (local play)
    eShop prce: $6.99
    Genre: Nostalgic high-speed racing


    In Grand Prix, you start out selecting one of the three difficulties (Novice for low speed setting...
  • 20120718
    3DS eShop Reviews VAz2vG21_ZUD3lnGdgM4QpABLjaRP6i4
    ©2011 Wayforward Technologies, Inc.

    Developer: Wayforward
    Publisher: WayForward
    Website: http://micro.wayforward.com/mightyswitchforce/

    NA / EU / AU Release: December 22, 2011
    Japan Release: no release
  • 20120704
    3DS eShop Reviews W-7Ll5_fA92kZrkMIpLcvw_Zo_FyVxPx
    For the Nintendo eShop

    TM & © 2012 Marvel & Subs.

    Developer: Zen Studios
    Publisher: Zen Studios
    Website: http://www.marvelpinball.com/

    NA Release: June 28, 2012
    EU Release: June 28, 2012

    # of Players: 1 - 4 players (sharing one system)
    Nintendo eShop price: $7.99 / €7.00
    Genre: Arcade,...
  • 20120626
    3DS eShop Reviews YMu9kpZOhgLhmwXN2YQdtHteAPtRRWAr
    For the Nintendo eShop

    © 2011 TSC Games, Inc.

    Developer: SuperVillain Studios
    Publisher: Ignition Entertainment
    Website: http://www.svsgames.com/

    NA Release: June 21, 2012
    EU Release: December 9, 2011 (as retail)

    # of Players: 1 (2 save files)
    Nintendo eShop price: $9.99
    Genre: Time Management-Cooking
  • 20120510
    3DS eShop Reviews VVVVVVlogo

    VVVVVV (3DSware)

    (C) 2011, 2012 Terry Cavanagh

    Developer: Nicalis, Inc
    Publisher: Nicalis, Inc
    Website: http://thelettervsixtim.es/

    EU Release: May 10, 2012
    NA Release: Dec 29, 2011

    Players: 1
    Nintendo eShop NA price: $ 7.99
    Genre: Puzzle Platformer, Adventure

    Review written by SkywardL...
  • 20120312
    3DS eShop Reviews Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQLneQMN3wXn3W5vb72cQkbCh_y3bAt3X-z1bBpOtZKr92GrrU-cw

    “Golfball out of bound”

    Shin’en Multimedia is been known for their enjoyable “eye candy” downloadable treats on the Wii Shop Channel such as Fast Racing League. Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! Is their Nintendo eShop debut and it’s a remake of a Wiiware game of the same name without the TOUCH! This remake contains triple the amount of minigolf courses which is technically true, touch screen controls, and replacing the family friendly local multiplayer with a challenging...
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